My Band's Album is complete and I want to know what you guys think about my drumming in it. We're an alternative/indie rock band and I want to know how I did on my first recording ever.

Keep in mind that I didn't play in every track, but I did in the following songs. The others were recorded with another drummer before I joined. The one's i played in are as follows.

A little too harsh - More of a harder rock song. I like this song a lot.

Conflict of Interest - This is the lead player singing about his ex haha. Doesn't have the best voice, but he had to get his emotions out. I literally heard this one for the first time the day before we recorded it

Drinking Out Of Cups - This is like an intro song.

Love Drunk - Love song obviously haha

Me and Indiana Jones
- This is my fav. Thought the drumming was kinda clever

My Lawyers - Once again, literally heard it once before recording. Again about the leads ex gf.

Not my Chair Not My Problem - Minute long intro on the snare with a long outro as well. This song is supposed to define the album.

Keep in mind that we are an entirely original band and we came up with all of this ourselves. Just if you have time listen to a few and let me know what you think. The bold are the one's I'm most proud of. Thanks for your time!!!

ps: It was played on a 4 piece Gretch with one 20" ride and a 16" crash. It was my buddy's kit, but I have my own that I'm not using yet. Thanks again!!!