Quote Originally Posted by SunDog View Post
Seems like everyone here is a little naive about business. All Gretsch drums except for their custom line are already made in Taiwan and their custom kits use Keller shells. The other thing that you guys are doing is assuming that the "evil bastards" at DW are plotting to raise the price of everything. Did we all just read the same article. DW didn't buy these companies piecemeal. They bought all of them together, FROM FENDER! Why isn't Fender the evil company. Why isn't DW's other brand, PDP, completely "overpriced". Bias, when it gets to a certain level, stops being merely annoying and starts to become blatantly false. Chances are, with DW being a bigger and more financially solvent company than Fender, the quality and service of these brands will go up and cost down.
Careful with the blanket statements Sun-e!