My Pearl ELX, my first decent kit. Bit of a story behind this one. Back in about '04 (?), Billy Hyde, a drum shop up in the city, was having a doorbuster sale which had some crazy, crazy bargins, one of them being this kit. It was down from $2099 to $229. When I saw it in the magazine, I ran n showed mum, begged her if I could grab it n she said yes. Cos it was such a mental deal, mum went up to Billys on the friday n sat out the front of the shop for the whole day. Me n my auntie went up that afternoon n the three of us spent the night camped out in front of the shop waiting for the sale the next day. We weren't alone, there was probably a total of about 40 odd people there that night. The next morning they brought in bouncers cos heaps more people rocked up. Then they let us in and I picked up this kit n a set of cymbals. One of the greatest nights of my life.
The other one is a Forum which was given to me by my youth group leader a few years ago. Used it at youth and church for months before we merged with another church which had its own facilities and equipment and whatnot.