- Drum Tuning
- Drum Polish
- Looking for afoot pedal spring
- drumstick tuning
- Cleaning conga and bongo heads
- dampening
- loose or tight?
- Snare Dampning
- Soundproofing
- hello everyone
- tuning a room
- Finding the pitch of the shell of the drum?
- Ringggggggggggg.....i stink at tuning drums
- I have no idea how to tune.
- stock skins????
- Humidity?????
- painting?
- Vents ?in/out?
- Crack or scratch
- Cleaning Drums
- Tuning drums
- Need help choosing heads...
- Bouncy heads
- Tuning a 26" kick
- double bass pedal
- Damn Bloody Floor Tom !!!!
- cymbals on my electric set
- Bearing Edges.
- How I Tune My Heads
- Tuning help...
- Floor Tom troubles
- snare wire
- Anyone know how to fix black oxidation on gold rims and hardware?!
- Tuned- FINALLY-lovin it
- Foam Rings
- Ringing Cymbals...
- Winterization!
- stop the vibration?
- Floor Tom- FINALLY tuned well - this may assist others?
- snare buzz
- Have a few questions
- Cheap Snare????
- Tuning Toms
- Active Snare
- Transporting Cymbals in a soft case.
- An easy fix.
- How do YOU tune????
- Muting/dampening
- BD question
- Tuning Bass Drum
- pillow or not
- bass drum head problems.
- Moongel users
- Cleaning my drumkit
- Snare Drum
- Learning all the time !!!
- Fitting heads
- cannot seem to post a new thread
- BD mic hole
- catalina bass drum HELP!
- Internal Dampening and Tuning Problems
- head for a 16 inch bass drum
- ta da natural finish
- Tuning Your Snare.........Perfectly
- Drum Heads
- Bass Drum Help Plz :(
- Storage conditions
- To vent or not to vent...
- attention all new to drums!
- cleaning my cymbals
- Snare Buzz
- dts tuning system?
- Vintage treatment
- drums sound good
- rust, rust...
- Tuning
- Bass Drum Pedal Bouncy of 18" BD head
- Cases
- FIX for Loose Bass Drum Tension Rods
- tuning free floating snare drum - drum tuning
- Drumdial Drum Tuner Anyone?
- Hi Hat demolished
- Snare buzz and tuning...
- Keep em clean...
- My X7 Sound...
- Drum Dial
- help
- Heads/Tuning
- tuning the "boing" out of the floor tom
- Snare Safe Keeping
- Tuning Remo ebony ambassadors HELP PLEASE!
- Evans EC Reso Head
- Evans Tourqe key?
- 20x18 kick drum recomandations
- Help!!!
- Dead Head
- Reso head help
- Quick, Effective Bass drum tune
- Bubingas are snooty little creatures
- Clean and smooth lugs
- Bass Pedal
- Rogers XP8s - Several questions
- oiling your pedals
- Snare tuning
- good tuning idea
- Evans EC2 Clear
- Evans torque key
- Evans "Retro Screen" front bass drum head
- Sharp Snare
- How do you tune a bass drum??
- snare ringing
- Snare Help
- Tuning Help
- New Snare Drum, need help!
- Hoops help
- Finish is chipping off!
- Bass Tuning
- Snare and 10" Tom...aaaaargh
- Cymbal Polish
- Fixing up my drums
- Choosing Heads
- Wood maintenance
- mapex m-birch cleaning
- Snare head recommendations
- Tuning Question.
- Tuning question
- Over Tightening Hardware
- What kind of heads...
- 12" Tom....
- Questions about Bottom Heads
- Can I use Coated heads on the bottom?
- My tunning issues
- Yuck! Green Cymbals...
- Evans EC-1 ?? Hidden gems!!
- New Heads and a Drum Dial!
- Another tuning thread...
- perfect tuning
- Best heads for vintage?
- Satin Finish - What should I use to clean them?
- Cleaning up black painted rotos
- Really tight snare
- I know this has been asked a million times....
- powerstroke 3
- Finishing shell interiors..
- When to replace reso heads....
- tuning help plz
- Another Drum dial thread
- Evans GMAD- Anyone tried this?
- Premier Resto-mod using Rockenwraps
- How to Clean Drum Heads?
- Snare drum ring
- Tuning G2s on Tama Starclassic Birch HELP
- Boing!
- Bob Gatzden Snare Drum tuning... GENIUS!!!!
- Bob Gatzden tom tuning... GENIUS!!!!
- Bob Gatzden Bass Drum tuning... GENIUS!!!!
- Evans RGS Pad Bass Drum Damper, WELL...WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?!
- lubing
- Cymbal Cleaning...
- Remo Emperor's...
- Tuning trouble
- dts heck yes!
- The Dr. Gonzo Gretsch Shell Interior Project...
- maple drums
- New Snare Head
- Tom tuning...
- Drum Restoration
- Superkick II or Emad?
- I have my tuning and sound dialed in!
- I Had A Tuning Lesson....
- Snare tuning help...?
- I Need Help with my Head (s).
- For those that have Drum Dials
- Monthly tune up's?...FO SHO!
- New Head Set Up
- Evans EC2 Coated
- Just priced up my heads...
- got my snare fixed
- Tama?! Where Is Your Support!
- New heads
- What heads should I get?
- Cleaner for Ludwig Vistalite drums ?
- Is it important to tune up after down?
- gosh darn snare
- aquarian response 2 vs. remo ambassadors?
- tom frustrations
- interval
- Numerics Tuning System
- what are the best drum cases/bags for transporting to local gigs?
- Value of new heads
- Snare Tuning 101
- Anyone use thier Bass guitar to tune? (If you have one)
- Snare Buzzzzzzzzzzz
- Snare Tuning -Neil pearts Signals "Sound"
- Lug Lube
- Drum head question
- how can i clean my drums??
- Bass drum repair
- Better bass drum sound?
- Having a Horrible Time tuning Snare
- Drivers seat or Passengers seat ?
- Kick drum head recommendations for PDP CX
- Pretty General Tuning Question
- Quick question
- How do I get that really tight snare sound
- wich kick head should i get
- i want this sound
- My Method For Tuning Heads-What's Yours?
- Tom Frustrations #2
- Floor tom lugs will not stay tight
- *Finger Prints On Cymbals*
- Ludwig bass drum lugs......not fun stuff.....need suggestions...
- Jack White's Snare Drum
- Lemons!
- Is it normal?!
- How to get tight, hip-hop/R&B sound out of Yamaha wood snare. HELP!
- pdp lug rubber
- I have a question...
- outdoors tuning
- Quick, Easy Tuning Method
- Can I....?
- sanding bearing edges........oh lord.
- Floor Tom Tuning
- Remo Ring's
- Is it possible to get more than one tone from a tom?
- Snare Issues
- My thoughts on drum tuning
- just wondering,
- Iron Cobra Settings
- Refinishing old snare
- snare sound
- Drum Tuning Bible.. questions answered!
- So frustrated trying to tune my drums.
- Stripped a lug, and made a discovery.
- Remo Muffl's Ring Control & replacing heads
- How is this floor tom tuned? an rack tom for that matter??
- snare sound
- Do you consider room acoustics when tuning?
- snare guts help
- evans hydraulic skins
- re wraping/laquer whatever
- Staining your shells?
- groove juice
- Floor Tom Tuning?
- Hi-Hat Help?
- Noobie Needs Help On Snare
- Restoration ???
- Cleaning Drums
- Drum Wrap Repair
- Downsized to 18" Mapex Fusion Kick ~
- Snare Tuning??
- IMO, Best snare tuning
- Tricks to porting a Fibraskin
- PDP Restoration
- Modifying kits
- hi-hat sound
- New drumskins
- Drum repair!
- Speed Drum Tuning
- Maintaining My Drums
- Skins for recording
- Question about new skins
- Tuning for natural resonance
- Revamping my kit..
- Snare Sound
- Heel down practice
- drum painting
- snare and bass tuning
- How to get a boomy sound out of a 18" bass drum?
- How do you tune your drums?
- Gretsch Floor Tom / Camco Drum Project
- reducing snare ringing
- Tighter resonant head ?
- Weird Tom Sound
- Fusion Kit Heads
- The brick wall
- Help needed!
- Tuning for the studio
- Tunning systems off drums are CRUDE,
- Advice on fixing up drums. (Water Dammage)
- Finish Protection for Drums
- Need Touch Up Paint
- Ludwig coliseum tuning
- How to: Satin Oil Finishes on drums...
- TV Studio tuning
- Snare drum sound
- Lug to Shell Tightness
- Does anybody use a drum dial to tune?
- Drummers least able to replace
- bearing edge uneven
- Restoring Drums Help?
- Cutting a Snare Bed
- How to Properly polish? clean? my drums
- Will Windex clean my entire set safely? Drums, hardware, and cymbals?
- Batter/Reso relative tuning
- classic rock and blues gig
- Ludwig 24" bass... floppy?
- What Is A Snare Bed?
- Tuning for DW Collector's Series? First Post!
- How To Fix My Snare?
- DrumDial Changes
- drum tuning...
- Wide open sample Evans G2's over G1's
- snare wire problems
- ***help me with my snare anyone?***
- **rust!!**
- Snare wire tension
- to powder or not to powder
- ok...
- Amazing drums on a song
- Restoration / Premier
- Bass drum tuning
- Tuning help
- emperors new groove
- snare tuning
- Bass Drum Tuning help needed
- Drum Heads For Toms???
- Preventing Rust???
- Bass drum sound
- Success!!
- When Tightening, Lugs Squeak?
- Need some tuning help
- Removal of the resonant head on a bass drum
- Household keys?
- A matter of tuning...
- removing lugs
- How do you haul your stuff to a gig?
- Trying to find a good way to tune my toms?
- Cymbal Stand Care and Setup Help
- 8 inch tom tuning
- Bass Drum Muff?
- Head swapping, good or bad?
- Tom head tuning poll
- Do you use the Tama Tension Watch
- Never really learned this...
- refinishing lacquered shells
- fix a cracked cymbal with a drill?
- Whats the best way to care for natural finish drum shells?
- Traps Bass Drum Tuning
- Tunning for live and recording suggestions
- tuning interval 10", 12", 16"
- Metal paint on pitted rims?
- Got My New Skins
- snare drum sensitivity
- I need help tuning my snare
- Perfect Bass Drum Tuning
- Removing stickers from kit
- First Time!
- PDP Platinum Series floor tom
- Saturn kick drum tuning
- Whats the best way to make bad toms sound good?
- Another kick drum question
- I want my shine back!
- Fatter snare sound (Catalina)
- What Tuning Should I Use For My Snare To Sound Less Resonant?
- Snare Drum Height
- tension rods loosening
- Another Heads Thread (Evans)
- Online Tone Generator
- what heads are best
- Beater head question
- Drum Head Advice?
- Head setup
- Moon Gel
- My restoration of a Premier Heavy Rock Nine snare
- Evans Hydraulic Heads
- Bass Drum!
- Help with the basics... (newbie)
- Harmonics without the ringing fundamental
- How to set up a Kick Drum Pedal?
- I cant setup my pedal centered without it being tilted?
- Heads Comparison Chart.
- How do I make my snare less cutting?
- A little tuning help please!
- Aquarian Response 2™ Texture Coated Black ??????
- torque key settings
- The Gunk Behind The Lugs
- For those who try to tune to a certain pitch
- Tuning Challenge: Can You Tune Your 16" to a low C?
- Aquarian Performance II heads
- Evans Combo
- Tom heads and tuning
- Keep Your Shells clean and shiny
- Lug Problem
- Floor tom help
- Snare Drum and Acoustics of My Room
- Sympathetic tom resonance
- Joey Jordison & Morgan Rose snares
- changed reso heads and snare buzzes
- Should I worry or not that is the question?
- Tom tuning?
- How can I clean a Pearl brass shell?
- Drumdial tuner
- Snare drum tuning?
- Snare drum problem!
- Cymbal Sleeves
- Good bass drum muffling/tuning
- short sustain tom tuning?
- Floor tom tuning
- Proper Cymbal Hitting
- Tuning my toms!
- Eddas how to rebuild a iron cobra pedal guide
- Snare wire
- How do you know when your heads need replaced?
- Tuning.
- How does tuning the bottom head affect the drum?
- Effects of a tight reso head?
- bass tuning help
- Tom tuning like Paul Cook
- Need advice on drumheads
- Suggestions for snare heads?
- Weird Metal Shavings Coming Out Of Hi Hat
- Tuning for a shallow bass drum?
- Removing "attack" from recorded tom tone
- Tom problem
- Just Past Wrinkle
- Rogers Eagle Badge Parade Drum
- Tom Tuning
- Coated reso heads - Much difference?
- New Bass drum heads
- high tuning for toms
- Snare polishing
- tunning acrylic drums?
- Drum Cases
- Tuning question! :o
- First Edition of El-Kevo's tips (cleaning)
- need help tuning toms!
- Traps bass drum tuning..
- Tuning Rant: G2s Argh!
- Has anybody managed to get this sound?
- Tuning
- remo black suede
- be careful, tune properly
- Tom overtones are killing me!
- Remo Weatherking Black Suede Emperor Tom heads...Help!
- Cymbal Sleeves Question
- Choosing a Bass Drum head for the first time.
- Guide to learning to tune drums
- Removing Drum refinishing - Removing Piano black?
- black panther snare tuning.
- Tuning to the Shell Timbre (DWs John Good)
- Cleaning wrapped shells and bass drum tuning
- Warm Snare Sound
- Bass Drum Tuning
- To port or not to port?
- Snare Buzz
- Evans Onyx
- Drum head maintenence?
- Bass drum batter head replacement - HD
- Fastest head swap ever!! Pearl Exports
- snare tuning Q.
- tama time!
- Cleaning Hoops
- Are You A Tone Deaf Drummer? Check Here
- How do you get this sound?
- Thank You Drum Chat!
- Is there really such a thing as a nylod drum head?
- Tuning/Seating/Cracking the Head
- Fixing warped wrap on drums
- Snare drum tuning
- bearing edge question
- double ply heads.
- Everything seems too ringy and high pitched..
- How do you tune your toms?
- How do you tune your kick?
- How do you tune your snare?
- Acrolite CL score
- Drum Heads...for DW Drums
- 20" bass drum tuning help needed!
- How cold can drums get?
- 3 in one oil or Vaseline
- New Heads for Studio Questions
- G1 over G2
- Tuning, How Tight Is Too Tight?
- Gretsch Catalina Club Jazz Overtone/tuning problem
- Rewrapping with wood veneer?
- Head combo for OCDP 14x11 snare
- Pinstripes VS. EC2's
- What heads do you play?
- Specific Tom sound (Pyro - Kings of leon)
- Killer Chrome Polish
- Quick Snare Question...
- Batter Head Suggestion?
- Lug screws tension question
- Drum head choice theory
- Tuning Epiphany
- Cleaning and/or Restoring Drums
- Back to Square One!
- how long does you snare head last?
- Acoustic drum storage
- Loose bass drum lugs.
- Yet another tuning question...
- Drum Sound - Natural vs. Processed and EQ'd
- 12" Tom Resonance
- shell damping and physics
- Tried Something New...At least To Me
- Slingerland Restoration Project
- Drum Making 101
- Head/Comparison/Tuning Sound Files: where are they?