View Full Version : Cymbals / Cymbal Chat
- Splash Cymbals
- How many of you use a China cymbal?
- How many cymbals do you use?
- Do you ride the HH's more or the Ride more?
- CYMBALS - How Many Do You Own?
- Do you use zildian, sabian, or what?
- Ufip?
- Speakin a cymbals
- Would you buy a cymbal without hearing it first
- Bosphorus Cymbals
- Paiste 2002 series?
- HH Cymbal Rivets
- Zildjin ZXT Titanium?
- Hand Hammered Cymbals
- gaffer's tape
- Faverite cymbal
- what do you do about a crack in a cymbal
- i have a 24 inch thats 2 big
- New Cymbals?
- How do you spell cymbal?
- Old/Moldy cymbals?
- Cymbal cleaner
- Cymbal Minded
- Colored Paiste Cymbals
- My Cymbal Broke!
- cymbals
- how do you know one cymbal is better
- jazz cymbal set up
- Zildjian 16in Scimitar Bronze Rock Crash Cymbal
- Vintage Zildjian
- wooo hooo
- Paper thin cymbals
- Paiste Rude
- Worst cymbals
- Ring in Cymbals
- cymbal choices
- Meinl
- cymbals? whats the best to get
- How many grooves are in your cymbal?
- Cymbal Placement
- My lovely top hi hat
- Need Cymbal Guidance
- Sweet China Cymbal
- Zildjian ZBT/ZXTs
- Stagg Cymbals
- My Hi Hat
- A Custom hi-hats
- need advice on a Ice Bell
- what is your guy's favorite kind of cymbals?
- Sabian AA Metal-X Ride
- masterwork turkish cymbals
- Anybody using Paiste PST 5's?
- Hi-Hats
- I scored a KILLER deal
- What sorta ride should i buy?
- cymbal stand
- Buying New Cymbals Soon: Advice Needed
- What do you do with your broken Cymbals?
- Cracked Cymbal Worth Repairing?
- What does
- Your opinion!!!
- New hi hat
- Hmmmm
- Zildjian Price Question
- Mainl headliners?
- 20" Paiste Rude Ride/Crash........
- Zildjian Zht Cymbals
- Paiste 2002
- Ribbon Crasher
- Has any drummer sitting in on your drums...
- I stand corrected.
- Sabian or Zildjian?
- THE Cymbal poll
- How many cymbals?
- Zildjian Hihats
- Wow....
- Old hi-hat stand, what do you guys do?
- What should I do!?
- Anatolian cymbals
- Added rivets to a cheap cymbal.
- meinl cymbals anyone?
- Hi-Hats question
- Hi-Hat Suggestions
- I have 2 Z Customs for sale
- Wuhan Cymbals
- 450 cdn and i need cymbals
- New Stuff!
- Paiste alphas: Pro or Semi-Pro?
- Ideally??
- Sabian AAX fast hats
- anyone heard of this hi-hat
- The cymbal threads aren't over 100 yet.
- Paiste Drummers
- Sizzle Cymbals
- CRACK ... the Z custom goes TWANG
- Decisions, decisions...
- Spraypaint Cymbals?
- china?
- Semi-cut Cymbals
- Semi-cut Cymbals
- Paiste 502 , semi-cut crash cymbals
- what is a Sizzle cymbal?
- Zildjian ZBT's
- Hihat help
- help me
- do scratches affect the sound of cymbals
- Heavy Hitter
- Sabian AA metal X splash
- I may have converted
- Paiste Signatures
- Opinion on these cymbals please!
- Favorite Big hitter Cymbals?
- UFiP Cymbals
- new cymbal!!!
- I need mor attack?
- cymbals
- Zildjian Avedis/Sabian AAX
- Zildjian Avedis/Sabian AAX
- Individual Cymbals
- Paiste Hats
- Another deal?
- Pasite
- Paiste Cymbals
- Alpha Vs. 201 Bronze
- Decisions decisions =/
- What influences sound?
- Zildjian Spiral Trash
- need help
- the tone of zildjian and sabian
- Meinl
- Saluda Cymbals
- Paiste Giant Beats
- The making of a cymbal (VIDEO!!!)
- Sabian AAX
- Recommendations...
- Ping
- MiXiNG yUoR CymBAlS
- If you were me...
- Sabian Vault vs. Zildjian A custom
- Rude!
- Sabian Paragons
- Wuhan sound clips?
- Tosco Cymbals, New?
- Cymbal cleaning!
- Crash Rides
- screw thingy on the top of the cymbal?
- What Cymbals Should I Buy?
- Cymbals awaiting
- Wuhan S Series Cymbal Review
- Where to buy meinl cymbals?
- Woot..just got my new A custom!!
- Sabian Thunder Sheets
- hammerax cymbals
- Sabian Ring
- Reply From Sabian Customer service about 40 inch O-gong
- K Zildjian Dark Med thin
- Sabian B8 china or wuhan china?
- Between Wuhan Hi-Hats or the B8 Pros
- What crash should i buy
- Cymbal upgrade
- Old Hi hat cymbals
- Help!!
- Tosco Cymbals
- ZHT's
- Splash Cymbals
- Breaking In
- infuriating!
- meinl mcs
- Height of Hi Hats
- Eclipse!!!!
- cymbal of all time
- Zil-Bell
- Rude, Z custom, or Meinl soundcaster
- Sabain sound check
- How Many Crash Cymbals Is Enough?
- Zildjan A's
- Would a Zildjian ZXT Pro Pack be a good buy for 400 euro?
- No cash
- So what do you think of this...
- do you think these paiste cymbals would be good?
- Cymbals
- Attn: Zildjian Experts - Help!
- meinl or sabian?
- Does Having different types of Cymbals matter?
- I've Got New Cymbals!
- Scored a new Ride cymbal at GC's list sale
- Upgrade Cymbals
- i need to upgrade
- ziljian a splash
- cymbals
- new hats!!!
- Grrrr -.-
- Paiste PST 5
- Vintage ?
- newbie with cymbal question
- Deep Cleaning
- Cheap places to find cymbals?
- cymbal purchase advice, please :)
- Paiste Rude Mega Power Ride 24"
- for all zildjain cymbal owners!
- zildjian cymbals
- Paiste Crotales
- more zildian topic .. lol sorry i need to do this
- Avedis
- for a cymbal
- paiste cymbals
- k costom dark or constanstinople?
- Hybrid
- 13" hats
- thin crash
- Armand Cymbals
- Sabian O-Zone series
- Anyone know a reliable online store that ships internationally?
- Cymbal Crafting
- A zildian mastersound hats
- cymbal choices so far
- I bought some cymbals last weekend - share them with you
- would this be a good choice if..
- Stagg Cymbals
- Cymbals with Holes!
- VINTAGE K ZILDJIAN Orchestral (?) cymbals
- Need Cymbal advice
- Hi Hats
- What's your cymbal setup like?
- What is the best product?
- home made cymbals
- Sabian Triple Hi-Hat
- Buying new cymbals...
- forgive the stupidity
- The Best Crash I've Played In My Life
- weather conditions for cymbals? help please
- zildjian zxt rock
- Weird Cymbals
- Help requested determining "that sound"
- Help requested determining "that sound"
- Help!!
- mastersound K's and A's HATS
- Paiste Alpha series
- Zildjian "platinum"cymbals
- Zidjian ZBT question
- New hi-hats!
- 502's and 802's
- guess my cymbal
- Paragon
- Zildjian ZBT pro, pre-pack...
- Another Zildjian question
- Zildjian Z customs?
- mix'n cymbals
- why is
- My cymbal christmass shopping!
- Zildjian A custom's
- Rocktagons!
- Saluda?
- I am building...
- cymbal cleaner
- Cracked Cymbal
- help
- Cymbal rivets and jingles....
- Paisete PST-3 effect packs vs Sabian B8 effect paks
- Zildjian Z series.. ?
- Unknown cymbal help.
- Pasite 101 series Ride Cymbal
- which one
- Defective cymbal ??
- Zildjian Amir cymbals
- sabian legacy
- 6 inch or 10 inch
- wuhan or paiste 2002 series chinas or sabian AA fast china
- newbie question
- Wuhan VS sabian AA VS paiste chinas
- Looking to add a fast crash
- Paiste 3000
- lookin for a good cymbal pack.
- [ASK] about Zildjian Effect Cymbals
- It figures...
- K Custom Hybrids
- Mounting China Cymbals
- yes! almost done
- IsTanBol CymBals
- Which crash to buy?
- When's the last time you cleaned your cymbals?
- Sabian APX (new line)
- Used Cymbals
- Vintage Zildjians.
- crappy cymbals
- Soultone Cymbals?
- silly question
- Using Percussion Mallets on Cymbals
- My Zidjian Logo is fading...
- Which Cymbals??
- buying new symbals....need help
- rides for crashes
- 14 crash
- Different Brands
- Crash Cymbal Rebound
- Sabian Chopper anyone??
- Zildjian Z Customs
- Cracking cymbals help??
- sabian apx?
- How Much?
- Mates for my K Custom Sessions?
- Looking for Zildjian 13" K Light Hats
- Need help about Sabian XS20 Cymbals
- UFIP or Sabian Splash?
- Sound Formula???
- Paiste brass 101
- How RUDE !!!
- Great New HiHat Combo - K top K Hybrid Bottom
- Zildjian 21" A Custom Medium Ride ?????
- hi hat tight ness
- Paiste 101 brass
- Agazarian cymbals.
- Good sounding china
- Zildjian Zht Rock Pack
- Sabian B8's My Thoughts
- Paiste PST5
- Question About Zildjian K Custom Dark Crashes
- Super ZYN 20" Ride
- B8 Hi-hats Versus ZBT Hi Hats
- Low-Budget Chinas..
- ID this Zildjian for me
- Keyhole
- Polishing...
- A little help?
- breaking cymbals
- Sabian AA
- new set of zildjian a custom
- paiste 2002 hehehe
- Zildjian Zht or Zxt China
- Got a New Ride!!
- Cymbal Selection
- Zildjian ZHT
- Alex Acuna's ride?
- Intermediate Hi-Hats?
- whats the best!?!!
- I got Hi-Hats.....!
- Avedis Zildjian China Low ??
- Zildjian ZHT
- Got a New Ride II
- What to upgrade?
- What Crash Should I Get?
- Whats going on with prices?
- Barry Altschul
- New Ride as a crash? Or New crash?
- New Istanbul Cymbal
- Local music shop closing doors forever today!
- zil bell
- wuhan?????
- new Zildjian Hybrid
- ZHT effects..
- Annoying Fingermarks
- Yearning for something new.
- help with cymbal cleaning
- Recommend me a splash
- Agazarian China Cymbal
- paiste demenshions
- I have this knack...
- Salda info??
- scale of 1-10
- has anyone traded with saluda???????
- Just tested out some Zildjians
- Need some opinions
- Just Got Another Paiste Crash
- 14in A Custom Hats!!!!!!
- What Hi-hat Gear Should I Buy?!
- I Got My New Istanbuls
- broken china
- Cymbal Polish...
- hihat
- Favorite All-Around 16 In. Crash
- Cleaning your cymbals
- Sabian and Zildjian
- Sabian or Zildjian?
- Anyone ever heard of this?
- [ASK] Zildjian Pitch Black ??
- Paiste Alpha Medium Crash
- Mixed bag of cymbals
- High Hat help
- Sabian XS20?
- chinas...
- Cymbal types?
- Zildjian ZBT
- Paiste PST 5
- best overall cymbals?
- Paiste
- splash
- Which ride?
- Cymbal Stacks
- After Zildjian, Now Paiste Alpha turning black....
- Crash/Ride Cymbal?
- ZIdjian A customs
- Hi hats
- Paiste Alpha Rock
- opinions about china's
- alchemy cymbals
- EFX cymbals
- Groove Juice?
- Got a Little(i mean BIG) problem here
- Cymbal Cleaners
- Zildjian Pitch Black
- Clueless drummer in need of new cymbals
- Wuhan Sizzler?
- Cleaning cymbals
- Just got some Sabian XS20's
- Stagg Black Ice Bell Cymbal
- Time for a new cymbal
- I just ADDED 4-more HOT CYMBALS
- splash problem
- Dented Splash Cymbal
- Crash!
- Cymbal Trouble.
- paiste 1000, 2000, 3000, and other discontinued lines.
- pst5 Cymbal pack
- Automotive wax
- great score!!!
- Paiste 20's
- Cleaning cymbals with wright's copper creme
- major problem, well kinda...
- 17" wuhan crash S series
- Cymbal problems.
- broke cymbal repair
- best cymbal pack
- Best metal ratio?
- Paiste
- cleaning zxt cymbals
- Zildjian Paper thin crash
- UFIP Class Series Crashes
- Just got PST-5 8" Splash
- new hi-hats
- Which Zildjian ride for $100?
- china's
- Thin cymbals?
- Sabian Paragon hi hats
- Shiny new splash
- AA Meinal... ANY GOOD???
- Got this weird residue...
- Zildjian ZBT (please respond!!!!)
- i just buy 2 wuhan s serie splash
- Looking for some new gear
- Mastersound Ks love affair?
- Zildjian A line
- Cymbal confusion
- Cymbal Damage Help
- Mixing A and K mastersounds
- *Wuhan Chinas*
- Sabian B8's
- stick marks on cymbals
- Istanbul and other Turkish cymbals...where should I start???
- Saluda
- what to get?
- Sabian AAX dark crash... anyone use it ?
- Paiste crystal thins
- super shiny cymbals!!!
- Mounting Cymbals
- 16 in A Custom ReZo Crash
- Do A custom crashes break easily??
- A Custom Cymbals
- CYMBALS, Whats good to buy??
- ZHT pro or ZHT rock
- Bosphorus gold hats
- Rusting Cymbals
- Zildjian Zcustom
- Wing nuts
- Anyone know anything about Zyn?
- best sounding ride bells on the market
- Paiste RUDE cymbals...any feedback?
- First official thread
- Windex?
- Hi hats gone haywire
- Groove Juice!!!!!!
- Hitting my cymbals
- Paiste or Zildjian????
- Sabian Groove Ride, HH RBDR, or Vault Crossover Ride
- Hit hat spacing
- Cymbal repair
- Paiste 2002
- poor mans K's
- PitchBlacks, old concept
- Tosco!!!
- My mastersound Ks
- My new cymbals...what I ended up getting
- wuhan s
- My Instanbuls
- Zildjian Earth ride ??
- Score!!
- Hand Hammered Rides
- RIDE Cymbal Ideas For Country-Pop Band
- Sabian XS20 effects
- Hanging Rides?
- Last Of My Haul
- HHX Dry Ride
- hell bargin
- 14" vs. 13" hats
- So Many Sounds, So Little Time!
- Zildjian A's!!!
- are Ks and K customs handhammered?
- Cymbal Muting/Dampening/Quieting/Less Sustaining Bluetack...
- Istanbul Cymbals
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