View Full Version : Electronic Drums
- Electronic Drumset
- DIY electric drums
- Sound systems used with electric drums
- Drum Machine Software
- Yamaha dtxellence III
- Mesh Heads...
- Any comment?
- roland TMC-6 options
- wen im gigging ...
- Mixing Eletric and Acoustic
- Triggered cymbals.......
- Name your kit and say what you think about your kit.
- Yamaha DD5
- V-Expressions
- Yamaha dtxellence III
- Roland monitors
- Roland TD9
- Alesis DM5 Pro
- what is the best amp for electronic drums
- Hart Dynamics Give a review
- Drum Sampling
- Good triggers
- New E-Kit
- Trigger modules
- E-DRUM Horror Story
- Frustration!!
- Got my E-Drum Amp today
- recommendation for PC midi software (for dd-55 drum machine)
- Electric Kit Warning
- perhaps someone can help me (re: MIDI interface)
- Roland TD-9SX or Yam. Express IV Special
- DTXpressIV Special V2
- Electronic or soundproofing
- Electronic Drum Monitor Display
- Is mixing and matching crazy?
- Cost to convert your kit...
- Hi-Hat "Chik"
- Which would make a better drum amp?
- V drums best settings
- Recording with Elecro kits
- Brain transplant?
- cables
- Need your advice/help
- Drum Amps?
- yoki DD608 drum set
- Roland Handsonic
- Pedalling with the heel?
- E-Drum help
- Alesis DM5 Pro Kit... Any good?
- DTXpress IV Standard Vs. Special
- DTXpress IV V2 - HiHat woes
- DIY Electric M Birch
- Recorded song volume
- DTXppress iv special
- D-Drum triggers
- Roland SPD-S or Alesis Performance Pad?
- New to electronic drums
- Domanda a voi E-Drummers ;D
- Roland TD12K BK VS. Roland TD 9KX
- Mesh vs Rubber / Noise vs Real Feel
- Darn!
- Reliability of used Roland Kits
- Bass Drum Pedal too loud?
- Yamaha PCY155 - 15" 3 Zone Electronic Cymbal Pad
- Building an electric kit
- Check out my Roland TD-6KX
- Hit Hat for Yamaha DTXpress III
- Need some advices...
- Two Roland kits...similar or more different than led to believe?
- Yamaha RHH135 Hi-Hat
- What's the Best Roland for Under $1900?
- td12 brain on a td9kx kit?
- does this have mesh heads - Alesis DM5 Pro Electronic Drum Set
- Need advice on a drum machine program
- metronome in Alesis DM5Pro
- sorry so many threads (CD input to a Simmons 7k)
- Yamaha DTXplorer??
- Hart Dynamics?
- HELP (re: adapter for Ipod w/ Simmons 7k)
- Primes' new MoJo (MoJo Sr); Simmons 7K
- Thoughts on my DIY set after a couple years
- Home amplification ?
- Snare Sound On Hi-Hat
- Roland Hi Hat controller doesn't work
- New Electronic Kit
- Electric kit or converted accoustic??
- Suggestions for a Newb
- Bass Amp for electronic drums! please reply!
- DTXpress III by yamaha
- Legacy Vs. Yamaha
- Small cheap electric kits.
- Roland HD-1 or TD-4s?
- Mesh Pad Volume
- My schools bying an electronic practice kit help!
- electroproofing?
- Bass pedal loud?
- Brain Surgery!
- Ion IDE01 Metronome?
- the best a set can get
- ddrum modules?
- Stick rebound on Pintech mesh heads
- Electronic bass drum pedal
- Alesis DM5 Pro Kit - would the Alesis M1Active 520 monitors work well?
- How I convert an acoustic kit to electric
- Hybrid drum question
- Question on paradiddles
- E-drum Question
- alesis usb kit
- What is the best,most natural feeling hi-hat controller?
- Getting back into drumming
- What pedal/beater with your e-kit?
- Remo Muffl screens?
- whats a good e drum ?
- Didn't think I'd be posting here!
- cymbal roll on electronic drums
- Mixers + Hard **** Recorders
- Alesis DM5 Question..............................
- Getting samples onto my e kit
- Yamaha DTxtreme lls
- Simmons SD9K
- Yamaha DTXtreme III Vs. Roland TD 20
- Alesis DM5 v TD-4 v TD-6v
- midi triggering
- Rolahama/Yamaland
- Boosting the feel of your e-kit?
- HELP!!! Brain for Simmons SD7k DOA!
- TD3&6 vs DTExpress 2&3
- Electric kit + Battery 3.0 question
- Would you pay $5000 for 10 complete top shelf kits ?
- On a DTXpress III, is it possible to use a hi-hat pedal as bass?
- On a DTXpress III, is it possible to use a hi-hat pedal as bass?
- yamaha DTXPRESS III used price
- Simmons SDSV
- Acoustic Conversions
- Gonna trigger another set !
- new snare 14 x 5
- amp with e-kit, can we DO THAT?
- Problem with everything.
- Help on buying new electronic drumset
- use an e-kit with real cymbals ?
- Roland TD9-KX: Right for the newbie!?
- Learning about drum triggers on acoustic sets....
- recording roland TD3 midi
- Bass drum trigger too loud (Pintech CKV)
- DTXPRESS Drum Module Help
- Roland kick pad question
- Roland TD-10 Ride volume
- Td 9
- Acoustic to Electric or Roland kit?
- Old electronic drum : Klone Kit 2 made by Honky Tonk Music
- DM5 Pro or DD506
- Anything on the horizon?
- Yamaha DTXpress IV Special V2
- Yamaha DTXpress problem
- DTxtreme11
- Getting started in elec drums
- Alesis DM5 Pro or Simmons SD9k
- Trigger Question
- Am I missing out?
- any thoughts on a Roland TD-4SX (with mesh heads)
- New Yamaha DTXpress announced at Winter NAMM?
- Roland Td-4 vs Td-9 (both mesh) - ??
- another question: TD-9SX ? TD-9KX (whats the dif?)
- Please help - e-drums newbie
- Adding electronic drums to an acoustic kit
- New (to me) DTXPRESSII
- Amplification question
- rubber or mesh heads? (you decide: video of side-by-side)
- Simmons SD7K Review
- The Saga of my Switch to E-Drums
- About to get an electric drumset
- Roland CY-8
- Voice Layering
- Adding Cymbals?
- I've jut got a DTXtreme III
- Budget Drum triggers
- E-Practice Pd vs. RMP-5
- looking for amp
- Fried my TD-6!! WARNING!!!
- Roland TD-9KX(SX) or DTXtreme III Standard
- E-Drum Live Amplification/PA
- Thinking of buying a new kit
- Module recommendations
- Tim "Ripper" Owens tribute song I did, need help.
- drum machine help
- Difference Between Roland TD-9K and S?
- OMG attachments!
- Newbie with Yamaha DTExpress IV need training DVD
- Recording on a computer?
- Ordered a DTXpress IV...
- Trigger/pad interchangeability?
- Old School '80s edrums added to my ECX kit
- Roland Pd-5/8
- Hybrid Amplification
- Demo songs onto my pc?
- Roland TD-10
- Yamaha DTXtreme III-more like a DTXtress
- Hello From Belgium
- Edrums and real cymbals?
- Alesis pads interchangablity?
- which e kit is the best?
- Yamaha DTXpressIII with IV Pads
- DTXplorer needs an upgrade. What should I get?
- sound module settings please?
- Make Wave Drum into perfect studio snare.
- Trigger module alternatives
- Alesis Troubles
- 2 bass drum mics
- E drums ain't what they use to be !!
- Help Needed!
- Alesis DM5
- Alesis DM Pro Module Question
- Anyone have experience with these?
- Help Needed for a DTXpress 2
- M Birch conversion to the next level
- The Korg Wavedrum
- Module and Wire Question.
- Must watch video
- Cymbals "Cutting Out"
- Pearl's EPro vs Roland's TD12KX
- E-drums Opened Up a New World for Me
- Ion ied05
- what are drum triggers?
- td-20
- Can the Roland TD4 be upgraded?
- Round Robin explained
- How can it get better than this ????
- Back at DC with my new E-kit !
- Options! What drum modules sample and can use other sounds???
- ekit sound clip of my two piece metal "band"
- dm5 to vh-12 compatability
- The best triggering for working drummer???
- The E-drum pipeline: What's your configuration??
- Alesis tk-5 or Alesis I/O USB-MIDI interface?
- Sampling: How To???
- comments on TD-7 please
- Will this amp work?
- DTXPlorere Module - No Power
- Ekits and real cymbals?
- Adding cymbals to TD12
- MIDI Basic Information
- Used Roland Td3 v a new Dtxplorer
- Roland TD-20KX vs. Yamaha DTX550K
- Anyone have any complaints/praise for the yamaha DTXPress IV?
- DTXPLORER bass question
- Triggers; internal vs external
- Yamaha DTX550K
- Different cymbals
- Using Yamaha DTX ver 2 as drum machine
- Amplification? How big for live gigs?
- E-Kit Throwing Me Off
- Amplification for Gigs
- First post! (and a question about trigger compatibility)
- Have a Yamaha DTX Series? Share your custom kit!
- Roland CY-8 cymbal problem!
- Ddrum trigger problem
- An experiment in cross-talk prevention
- Cheap amplification for my DTX E-kit?
- replecating my acoustic kit
- Share your E-kit recordings!
- Looking to Upgrade my Electronic Set, Need Help
- New DTX900
- Soon to be drumming again!!!!
- Headphone jack for Roland TD-9 acting up!
- I got bored so I created a Frankenstein E-kit
- Triggering Idea? Maybe
- P.A. for E.drums and vocals
- My 2 cents about triggers
- Stick size with ekits?
- Anyone familiar with Yamaha triggering issues??
- Acoustic to electronic conversion
- Yamaha drum trigger programming
- my cheap drum trigger .
- Roland TD4 issues
- 3 zone cympal on dtxtreme iii
- getting back into elect. drums...
- VST explained..
- Quick question, help!
- Need to quiet the set....sadly
- My project is coming together!
- Yamaha cymbal pad stopped working today, help?
- DTXPRESS IV Special Set V2 users: Cymbal info
- Anyone ever heard of the E-ED001 by Singing Machine?
- A/E drum conversion
- DTXPRESS (original version)--what's a fair price to sell
- What should I buy.
- Recording onto my laptop with a DTXPress III. Please help :)
- Alesis Performance Pad and DM Kick Pad combo
- Noob here..:)
- Noob Drum Trigger
- HD-1... input please.
- Endorse for elekt. Drums
- DTXtreme 3 problem
- Help Please? SMI-1458/DD-501 edrums MIDI not recognized in XP -
- source of cable for extra crash (TD-9)
- DD-65/YDD-60 Problem
- Roland Electronic Drums/Recording/Quantizing Help?
- What is the average price for a used Roland TD-6 w/ all mesh pads?
- VST Hardware Config
- Mesh snare on Yammaha DTXPLORER
- Best MIDI to USB Interface?
- New snare For dtxpress IV standard?
- I NEED HELP (advise)
- Newbie with a new toy...
- yamaha DTXtreme 900 vs DTXtreme 3 special
- Hxm hd-008/10
- One electronic drum?
- Drum Trigger
- Second International V-Drummers Collaboration
- Electronic Drum Monitoring
- Best Ekit for live shows-Help!
- Roland SPD-S
- Staying in Place
- New Alesis DM7
- Is Alesis DM-10 Studio a good kit for the price?
- DTXteme II for gigging?
- My drum teacher... Is one funny guy
- Specs for Ion drum rocker fr XBOX360?
- td-3 and Addictive Drums
- Double Bass Pedal?
- Which Kit to get
- Alesis DM Pro Help...Anyone...Please?!
- Music Holder for rack?
- Alesis DM Pro Module, Simmons Hi-Hat Issues
- DTXpress IV crash cymbal choke
- Alesis dm5 with roland pd7 heads questions
- WTB: Vintage Pollard Syndrum
- Yamaha DD-55 fan!
- Roland TD4
- Yamaha ECymbal help please PCY65S
- How I made a $800 electric drum kit for $350
- Song Recording
- All i want is a pad for...
- Simmons SD5K Hi-Hat Issues...Please Help!
- Dtxplorer faulty lead
- Help! Need to find reasonable electronic drums
- Need another cymbal for my ION set
- triggering Dubstep into DTX pads
- Which Hardware To Buy...?
- The world of electronic drumming
- Alesis DM6 - two kick pads?
- Extending the TD-9? (additional module)
- e-kit for practice
- Not another "which v-drum to buy" thread??
- wavedrum and amps...
- Drum Machine Question
- E-Kit for BFD2 etc
- Locking clutch on Yamaha DTX hi-hat?
- Electric Drum Amps to Accompany Acoustic Drums?
- Now correct me if I'm wrong...
- Yamaha DTX550K
- only a quick question
- kick pad problem on TD-9
- Looking for an inexpensive kit for MIDI sequencing
- looking for footswitches for alesis control pad
- Hi Hat pedal issues
- Trigger problems?
- New member new sport e drum & external trigger ideas
- Sticks?
- double pedal
- Drum Module to midi for sonar QnA
- Connecting a dual zone pad to DTXplorer
- Hello everyone.Can you help please?
- Custom MIDI drum tracks online - any business?
- Expanded Alesis DM6 or DM10
- any reviews on medeli/rockburn/session pro dd 501/505 etc??
- Wood or nylon tips on e drums?
- Looking for an electric kit
- Triggering custom sounds
- triggering lights with dm5 and pd7 pads
- DD501 cable
- foldable e-drum advice for a tiny apartment
- Need some help!
- Electronic kit for recording.
- Roland TD4 or Alesis DM8?
- Splash pad - instead of PCY-10
- Live Dubstep with triggers & mesh heads
- Roland TD4K2...I'm hooked and expanding
- BFD2 Coincidence...
- 12 yr old novice and Yamaha DD55
- New (to me) e-kit
- DTXplorer question
- Combined 2 TD4K2 Kits continued...With Addictive Drums the Review/samples
- Hxm hd10
- Roland TD-6 question
- Finally got Addictive Drums working...
- Why Triggers on an acoustic test
- Roland Percussion Controllers
- New drummer looking to upgrade
- Simmons or Alesis?
- zildjians new gen 16 e-cymbals
- Acrylic Cymbals
- Td 10
- Building My DIY E Drums...Snare complete!
- Latency
- TD-4K2 vs ALESIS DM10 Studio
- DTXpress IV Issues & Snare Problems
- Sound system?
- Vexpressions from comp to set?
- DIY E drums 3 Rack toms finished
- Yamaha DTX500K... How do I add a Tom and a Cymbal???
- Electronic kit for University
- Quick adjustments for adult vs 8-year-old?
- Just ordered the Yamaha XP80 snare.
- help! what gear/setup to use for playing live to stems?
- triggers
- Simmons DA200S or Yamaha MSR250?
- Free Sampler software for Mac?
- need speaker for a td6
- Roland TD6 MIDI question
- FPC presets or addictive/ez/supperior drummer presets
- Looking for help with 1st sampling pad
- Anybody using an iPod Touch or iPad for music?
- AE conversion, new e-kit or upgraded pads?
- Need advice. What snare to buy?
- Question about electronic drums
- Musical drumming with MIDI drums and Ableton - How much interest in this?
- Roland TD-10 acting monophonic?
- newer e-drums, or old Roland
- Simply looking for suggestions
- MIDI, never done this before
- Alesis DM10 Studio kit
- Drum samples
- Need Help W/ Roland CY-8 Cymbals and Alesis Trigger I/O
- old td 12 or td 9kx2
- How to save samples from drum module to computer?
- Mandala Drum
- DIY Drum Project Complete
- DIY Drum Project Complete Part 2
- Please help! Roland question!
- Yamaha or[and] Roland
- Alesis D4 Drum Module need some parts
- Homemade triggers
- Yamaha DTX 500 Velocity
- WHAT STICKS for electronic drums?
- Roland Kit with Yamaha Module?
- Yet another DIY Bass drum
- 2 kp65's on the dtxplorer?
- midi to usb for dtxplorer
- Both Pearl M80 Kik's complete...
- Alesis kick tower for dm6 session kit?
- Roland TD9KX
- New Toy
- Three Zone Cymbals
- Strange random midi issue with DTX500
- Do you play e kits differently?
- roland td30 drumset
- TD9 and CY-12R/C
- Looking for an electronic drumset.
- Recommendation for triggers
- DTX900 Recording
- roland td 7 problem
- New Zen
- Warranty?
- Crazy Journey into E-kits
- questions on new (used) Hart Pro set
- choosing eDrum kit: opinions please :)
- DIY edrum and midi module to computer
- My Live DIY Triggered Ekit thread
- Didnt know Pearl made this..
- Drum Machines??
- DD505 snare drum faulty.
- Yamaha DTX-530 set up questions
- Buying an electric Drumset for the 1st time.
- Recomendations for around ~$800-900?
- Combining pads and module of two manufacturers (@sevensilly: Here's an idea)
- My Pintech Electro kit
- Yamaha Cymbal issues
- Roland pads with Yamaha e-kit
- FD-8 problem
- Alesis Percpad / Sample pad
- Dtx 500 cymbal equivalents
- aKit plus eKit: all together now?
- A2E Conversion
- Line 6 ux2 and pc as a ''drum module''?
- LED lights on an electronic drumset
- Why do my cymbals sound bad?
- Recording Drums
- yamaha dtx500 metronome question
- $3500 to spend give or take, any sugg?
- Live Triggering with Drumagog 5! Hi Hat Questions..?
- Superior Drummer 2.0 and Sustain Pedal..?
- Modifying a HiHat Controller into a Expression Pedal?
- Recently Bought a Roland TD4K2
- New to electric! :o
- Acoustic to Electric
- Acoustic to Acoustic/Electronic Conversion
- Triggering issue DTP520c cymbals
- sweet deal!
- Replacement Snare.... Traps E500
- Yamaha DTX700k Snare Problems!
- Rubber mats and triggering?
- A to E Build finally started
- Also doing an A to E conversion
- Electric Sets Within These Specifications
- Ion Drum Rocker Electronic Drum Brain
- My Homemade Electronic Snare Project
- Mallet Instrument Style Drum Pads
- E-drums and Superior Drummer
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