I love how it's super heavy but so upbeat at the same time, definitely love the style. I can't imagine playing that fast for so long, props to you man. Very catchy stuff
Type: Posts; User: Aviator42009; Keyword(s):
I love how it's super heavy but so upbeat at the same time, definitely love the style. I can't imagine playing that fast for so long, props to you man. Very catchy stuff
Just watched the Wake Up Call cover video, I love that song!
You guys do it justice, sounded tight. I didn't see any of your own stuff available to listen to, definitely work on that or make it...
Thanks guys, we actually just put out the second single from our upcoming EP, check it out!
My band just put out a new single from our upcoming EP, "Silver Linings"!
Set You Free
I'm in a band from the Philadelphia area called Fool Me Once, we play alternative rock with a hard rock vibe.
I'll let the music speak for itself:
Got my first drum set the day my brother got his second guitar, so I essentially took his old one. :P Drums completely overwhelmed me at first, so i actually latched onto the guitar because i liked...
I just got a DrumFire 6X4 drum rug for about $35. The great thing is that it is thing and can be rolled up into a bag (that's included) for easy transportation. Last show I had to lug around some...
I'll preface this by saying that when I need to blow my nose I try to walk into a secluded part of whatever room I'm in or if its convenient, the nearest room.
Comparing smoking to blowing one's...
Most musicians, such as myself, work to be as versatile as possible, to be able to play whatever genre or style that is thrown at them. Problem is, being unfamiliar with the standards of a genre...
Dinosaur eggs were around before chickens existed.
I do think people seem to make a big deal about how much of a set they use, just let people express themselves either musically or visually; at...
I'm getting a guitar... sorry guys :icon_mrgreen:
Although if I get some money, I'm gonna get a new bass drum beater and snare stand, maybe a couple other things too.
Some are able to get away with a third leg without much of a problem, but a two leg stand is definitely something anyone playing double bass can benefit from, style doesn't matter. I haven't use that...
Always on Sunday and most of us get together on Wednesdays to work on various stuff/hang out.
I played rock band for two years before I jumped onto a real kit, boy was I in for disappointment when my "expert" abilities transfered into an uncordinated awkwardly gripped mess. I needed lessons...
Hey! I'm the drummer for Caged Inside, an Alternative/Hard Rock band from the suburbs of Philadelphia. We just put out our self-produced debut album titled Atmospheres Collide, check it out:...
Yamaha includes music tracks in their electric drum sets to play along to and there are plenty of educational DVDs that include backing tracks. Whats wrong with a guitar player having quick access to...
I guess I'm the odd one out on this subject; might be a generational thing or maybe its just how my band works.
Everyone in my band knows about/can play all the instruments to an extent. This gives...
I haven't gotten the chance to listen to the entire album, but I've picked up bits and pieces. I really enjoyed The Enemy Inside and I was glad to see they weren't afraid to go heavy on a single;...
Will the extreme music of today seem more tame compared to the extreme music in another 20-30 years?
The heaviest of metals 30 years ago would be pretty accepted by today's standards.
I sing a bunch of lead and background vocals when I play... now if only someone let me use a microphone :icon_mrgreen:
That actually reminded me of when I was almost a year in and learning a beat where your right and left hands goes back and forth between floor tom and snare a lot and I'd consistently hit my leg. I...
At the end of the day you have to consider the fact that its just a talent show; they are basically about "wow factors". You could be the greatest drummer in the world but unless you're a prodigy or...
Not the high energy stuff I'm used to, but I enjoyed the music. Its definitely well performed and composed. Hope the EP does what you want it to do, don't know if you're looking to make money or just...
Right now my 16" and 18" rock-weight Xs20 Crashes. They do their job fine and I like them, but I'm hoping to eventually upgrade to a 17" and 19" of higher quality.
I have the exclusive privilege of getting to play on not one, but two "budget" gibraltar double pedals. One is mine on my practice e-kit and the other is on my acoustic set at my band's practice...
My gibraltar double pedal cant hold itself together at all, id say that is a limiting factor haha. Whether it be the beater falling down, flying out or shaking around (very frustrating when youre...