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  1. Head suggestions for pdp wood rim bop 12 & 14 toms?

    Hi, About to change stock Tom heads on my pdp wood rim bop kit. Any suggestions appreciated. Heads are 12" & 1 4" . Thanks!
  2. Re: Any advice on repairing finish on Paiste Giant Beat. (Cat urine)

    Thanks for the replies. I'm not too concerned about the appearance of the cymbal. I 'd like to protect the area of the damage so it doesn't get worse. I was considering getting a can of clear lacquer...
  3. Re: Any advice on repairing finish on Paiste Giant Beat. (Cat urine)

    Maybe I should bottle that stuff and sell it as cymbal cleaner.
  4. Re: Any advice on repairing finish on Paiste Giant Beat. (Cat urine)

    I guess cat urine would make a good cymbal cleaner if you want to clean the cymbal to bare metal. I've never seen any cleaner like it.
  5. Any advice on repairing finish on Paiste Giant Beat. (Cat urine)

    Hi all, I bought a new Paiste Giant Beat and my cat urinated on it. The urine destroyed part of the finish down to the bare cymbal. Is there a diy fix for this to protect the raw cymbal? Any...
  6. Replies

    Pacific Drums Concept Bop muffling pillows

    Hi, I’ve got a new PDP Bop kit. Included with the kit are 2 muffling pillows. They seem to be rather large for an 18” bass drum. Has anyone with this kit used these pillows? If so, what is your...
  7. Replies

    Re: Gretsch Catalina bop

    I guess that's the way I should since the dealer represents Gretsch. I'll try, but I doubt Gretsch would do anything as I didn't take pictures of the poor works a ship and cheap parts. And it's just...
  8. Replies

    Gretsch Catalina bop

    I have been drumming for 48 years and have purchased new kits from Norma,Rogers, Yamaha, Ludwig, Pearl and Gretsch Renown. And several used sets. I wanted a light weight bop set and decided on the...
  9. Replies

    New Gretsch Jazz Cats for old drummer.

    Just received the Gretsch Jazz Catalina's ordered from Amazon. Don't have time to check it out, gotta get ready for tonight. I promised my wife this is the last set I'll get. I'm 64, if I am able to...
  10. Has anyone had problems with Gretsch Catalina covered drums?

    Has any one experienced problems with the covering on Gretsch Catalina drums. I'm considering getting a Gretsch Catalina be bop set covered in Blue Satin Flame. I'm concerned because I had a Pearl...
  11. Replies

    Re: Any suggestions on a lightweight throne?

    Thanks for all of the recommendations and help guys. After pondering what you guys have said I think I'll stick with my heavy Yamaha seat that I've had for 30 or so years. I'm truly greatfull for all...
  12. Replies

    Re: Any suggestions on a lightweight throne?

    Thanks for the reply itchie. Way back when I started drumming in the 60's light drum thrones were common. I guess there's a reason they don't make thrones like that any more. Thanks again, I may have...
  13. Replies

    Any suggestions on a lightweight throne?

    Hi, Anyone have suggestions on a sturdy light weight throne that can support a 220lb. drummer? I'm replacing all hardware with lighter stands. The only thing I need now is a sturdy lighter throne....
  14. Replies

    Re: Recommend a Bebop set under $700

    Hi Guys, I sincerely thank you guys for the responses. I went out and tried several kits. For the style I play the "Ludwig Club Date" won hands down. I went over budget but I'm 60 yrs. old and this...
  15. Replies

    Re: Recommend a Bebop set under $700

    Thanks for all replies. Anyone tried the newer Ludwig Club Date? At my local drum shop I tried a New Ludwig Club Date, 20, 12, 14. Instant old school vibe. I'll do some research to see if there are...
  16. Replies

    Re: Recommend a Bebop set under $700

    Thanks Bish, Does only having 6 lugs on the floor tom present any tuning problems? Thanks again
  17. Replies

    Recommend a Bebop set under $700

    Hi all. I play mostly RR 60.s-80's in small to med. lounges. I'd like to get a get a small kit, 14x18, (possibly 14x20) 12 and 14 toms. My limit is $700. Can someone who is familiar with these sets...
  18. Replies

    Re: what tools to get for cymbal repair?

    Old thread but I wanted to thank you guys. I borrowed my son's dremel and followed wolvie56's instructions on my son's 20" A Zildjian. Wasn't difficult at all. I tried the cymbl afterwards and...
  19. Replies

    Re: what tools to get for cymbal repair?

    Thanks for the replies. I think I'll check the pawn shops, Harbor Frieght and Wall Fart and get one of the cheaper models as I won't be using it much. Thanks Again, Don
  20. Replies

    Re: what tools to get for cymbal repair?

    Thanks very much for the video Olimpass. I don't have a compressor. I have an electric drill, don't know how many rpm's it is. I could try that. The edge of the cymbal is quite thin though. Very much...
  21. Replies

    what tools to get for cymbal repair?

    Hi, I'd like to repair a Zildjian medium/thin cymbal that has a square 2" x 3" chunk at the edge. I'll have to make a semi circular cut on the edge. I tried a coping hand saw from Harbor Freight but...
  22. Re: Anyone bought a B-Stock custom Classic Jazz kit form Zigler's?

    Thanks for the response wolvie 56. That's good to know. Would like to get one, but my wife has issues about too many drums. I'll have to think up some way around that...... My spelling isn't that...
  23. Anyone bought a B-Stock custom Classic Jazz kit form Zigler's?

    Hi, Thinking about getting a Custom Classic B-Stock jazz kit from Ziglers. If you've purchased one please advise me what problem make these kits B-Stock. Are any out of round, poorly placed hardware,...
  24. Re: 1 O/H mic for live, what type and positioning to pick up less cymbals?

    I'll try the 57 next Saturday at a medium sized club and let you know drumstix. I'm also going to closely check on YouTube how Ringo's drums were miced live . I've never really paid attention to the...
  25. Re: 1 O/H mic for live, what type and positioning to pick up less cymbals?

    Thanks for the advice guys. I'll try that positioning drumstix, we don't have a low pass filter on our Mackie so I'll try cutting the highs. I think it's probably best to use an SM57 rather then a...
Results 1 to 25 of 82
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