I am looking for a drum tom clip stand .
Type: Posts; User: Drummer901; Keyword(s):
I am looking for a drum tom clip stand .
LOL , Funny
I am looking for concert toms like a 6' 8' 10' 12' in pretty good shape. Solid wood . No fiberglass ones . Black in color . from the 1980s . Tama or Pearl .
LOL, Yeah I do . Tico Torres him self gave me one of his old snare drum long time ago when I was on the road with the band. Old TAMA and one Pearl . Sorry they aren't for sell
Mine started when I was in high school . Working with your hands and arms a lot . Hands would really cramp up and shoulder's will hurt a lot . But mine really recur during the Old BMX days of racing...
I have any ideal on what section to post this in.
Arthritis and Carpal tunnel
Who has it playing drums or doing anything over the years of this . Not getting any better . Sometimes my wrist...
Your Name (it's OK if you want to keep your real name private) Donald Ray .
Age 51
Male or Female? Male
What type of Drums do you play? Pearl International Drums 1984-85 series / With...
Ebay had a few on there at that time. But there are more fiberglass concert toms than the solid wood one's . But are fiberglass over wood , But not solid wood. Solid wood toms like that is really...
Why are concert toms from the 1970s and 1980s in solid wood is really hard to find anywhere these days. But the fiberglass ones are still out there . I just don't really understand it for some reason
Well I am from Frayser .
Just about 36 miles away from Covington where I live now.
Covington , TN