Has anyone ever heard of Drummer's Cymbal Cleaner? It was a powder that you mixed with tap water. You didn't even have to scrub them. The dirt and grease just washed off and I rinsed them in the...
Type: Posts; User: michaelanson; Keyword(s):
Has anyone ever heard of Drummer's Cymbal Cleaner? It was a powder that you mixed with tap water. You didn't even have to scrub them. The dirt and grease just washed off and I rinsed them in the...
Just to be curious, I took my cymbals to the Post Office, on a slow day and had them weighed. The weight is in pound and ounces, then you can convert to grams , by using 28 grams equals 28 grams....
I probably asked this question before, but did not get a reply . In the mid 70's, there was a product called Drummers Cymbal Cleaner, sold at Bird's Music in Muskegon, MI. It was a crystallized...
Pizza and 3 bottles of Redd's Strawberry Ale. As I am having a cataract fixed at 7:30 am tomorrow, I can't eat or drink anything after midnight. I can't wait to see much better after surgery.
I once played a dry wedding reception in an old grange hall that had 1 stage light, which was the largest light bulb I had ever seen, dangling 2 foot above me head. The band was so bad that...
The worse thing that happened to me, on a gig, was when we played in a bar, during a major snow storm, in Michigan. It was so cold in the bar, that I had to playall sets with my winter gloves on. ...
I bought the smaller(5x14) Blackrolite snare as a student package, used, with a back pack case, stand, and a 14 inch Ludwig practice pad for $50, in like new condition. BONUS michaelanson
I had Burger King 10 piece Nuggets AND they stayed "Down" ! BONUS ! Michaelanson[
I have a friend who is an IT working in NC. He sent me 10 CDS with 1.2 to 1.4 Gigs of music on EACH CD! I will contact him and post his instructions on how to do this. Keep On Thumpin' ...
Does anyone remember a product called Drummers Cymbal Cleaner? It came as crystals that you mixed with water, then just wash your cymbal following the grooves. Then you
rinsed it in the sink and...
:boom-crash::boom-crash::boom-crash:As someone who has had the same shoulder surgery, I know and feel your pain. My advice during your rehab is to do all the exercises plus 5 more reps for each...
Over-tightened "thingys" equal cymbal crackage! Sooner or Later.
Oops, no room for a bass player!
Nice Drums, but out of focus. I currantly have a 5pc set of Yamaha Stage Customs, 10/12/13/16 with a Ludwig Blackrolite snare, 14x4.5, and a mixture of 2002 Paiste and Zildjian cymbals . Geezers...
What happened to Drummers Cymbal Cleaner that I used (back in the day), 1973, that started as a powder, you added H2O, and the grime was rinsed off in the kitchen sink? You then patted them dry...
This comment is from an Old Geezer who has been away from playing for over 35 years, but is trying to get back to playing again. In Old School lingo I'd say "Uptight, outta' sight and in the Groove....