Recording custom toms and kick, left side Power v special Tom, and the hex rack. The hex has been the best rack I've ever used. It just looks incredible under house lights!
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Recording custom toms and kick, left side Power v special Tom, and the hex rack. The hex has been the best rack I've ever used. It just looks incredible under house lights!
I've got the most recent Carter Beauford setup from their 2 shows earlier this year!
My 2nd collectors purpleheart is being delivered today. This is one of the best wood snares I've ever heard
Like metal really more than wood, but it's pretty!
The only Tama I have is a mint 14x6.5 Rosewood 40th anniversary Reissue. Absolutely incredible drum that I shouldn't get rid of, but am looking a different rosewood if anything were to come up!
I moved back to pearl for a 2nd kit this year. A pearl session studio select. Absolutely incredible kit. Tone and punch is just all there in these!
Never say last on snare drums lol. I learned that the hard way
My Pearl session studio select kit is one of the best I've ever heard. The birch and mahogany work so well together.
I used a 15" k dark thin as my top with a 15" new beat bottom. Was an absolute perfect pair of hats
My smallest is a 15 but sadly no longer on my current setup.
I was lucky enough to play a socially distanced 3k attendance gig last month before everything shut back down kinda. It wasn't as good as normal, but it was such a relief to get out and be able to...
Gonna have to try one. I see so many talking about how good these snares are.
Gorgeous drum! Bell brass snares are the bees knees!
Hey guys. My group is a Christian/pop/rock/country group from Malvern, AR. We just released a double set of albums called See You In the Stars, and Sound.
Check us out on any socials, or at...
I'm interested in the new cast metal snares pdp put out.
Both are great, but for a kit I'd go with Yamaha. Pork pie any day though for snare drums.
20" crash of doom, 20" k sweet, or a 20" k con medium thin low ride as a crash
Always wanted to try a ti. Looks great!
In love with the rosewood!
13x7 dw purpleheart!
Just go all out with the porter and Davies lol
And pics didn't post apparently :(
Play at my church 3x per week. Much slower now due to this virus, but I absolutely love it. We have a great team of musicians at our church.
My band Crutchfield is a Christian band as well....
Hey man! Can you shoot me a message on that rosewood? Much appreciated!
I've been a wood snare guy lately. Rosewood and purpleheart being my favorites.
Carter Beauford! Just absolute incredible feel and nonstop ideas. Never seen anyone like him. Good friends with his tech and get to check his kit out every year.