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Thread: Drum Chatters in Canada

  1. #126

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    Smile Re: Drum Chatters in Canada

    Hey everyone! I live in Toronto, ON! I haven't been drumming too long but it's been a big interest of mine since I was I'd say 9ish...after I gave up on the guitar. (They just really don't make sense to me and I like hitting things a lot more xD). I've been practicing on an electric kit which is soon to be traded for an acoustic kit, and a nice Pearl Target Series snare to work on rudiments for about 2 years now.

    If you're in the GTA, message me! I'd love to shoot the **** with a fellow drummer and learn some new stuff/hang out!

  2. #127

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    Default Re: Drum Chatters in Canada

    Welcome to Drum Chat, JS.

    Feel free to jump on any thread and add your expertise or ask any question you may need assistance with.
    Signature here

  3. #128

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    Default Re: Drum Chatters in Canada

    Quote Originally Posted by JetfireStudios View Post
    Hey everyone! I live in Toronto, ON! I haven't been drumming too long but it's been a big interest of mine since I was I'd say 9ish...after I gave up on the guitar. (They just really don't make sense to me and I like hitting things a lot more xD). I've been practicing on an electric kit which is soon to be traded for an acoustic kit, and a nice Pearl Target Series snare to work on rudiments for about 2 years now.

    If you're in the GTA, message me! I'd love to shoot the **** with a fellow drummer and learn some new stuff/hang out!
    Former Toronto-ite here.

    all the best...

  4. #129

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    Default Re: Drum Chatters in Canada

    Welcome to DC

  5. #130

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    Default Re: Drum Chatters in Canada

    hey everyone, I'm in Gatineau Qc, right beside Ottawa, new to drumming but having a blast

  6. #131

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    Default Re: Drum Chatters in Canada

    How's it goin, eh?
    I live in Upper Frozen Scrote Ontario. Most people call it Bancroft.

  7. #132

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    Bancroft...Wow...Been there many times. You're up there not to far from Pearl Man MCX.

    all the best...

  8. #133

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    Yeah, 1 hour away from Guitar Nuts lol

  9. #134

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    Default Re: Drum Chatters in Canada

    Welcome to the forum Rob!

  10. #135

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    Default Re: Drum Chatters in Canada

    Winnipeg for me!! EX- Brandon haha

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