It depends - Breaking Benjamin have had two drummers, so this is a little bit hard to answer - name a song/album and we can let you know who it was. The current drummer (Chad Szeliga - thanks wikipedia) is fairly impressive though - he states he plays Diary of Jane pretty much with a single foot, which takes a good amount of control and coordination in my book - I believe there's clips of him showing how on Youtube. Anything that predates THAT album (EP actually) however is the previous drummer.
According to Wikipedia they had another guy on drums who did some live stuff for them too - but i doubt that's who you mean since he was live - not on any albums.
Another guy, now that you got me thinking about it, is Scott Phillips (also from Creed) on Alter Bridges album One Day Remains - especially the track Metalingus (any WWE fans will recognise this as Edge's theme music)
Lester from Pillar is also great, on all their albums IMO - always perfect for what they are doing at the time, which is an attribute I regard highly and more drummers need to have. The Reckoning is one of my favs though.
Another one is Jesse Sprinkle on Demon Hunters debut album - Demon Hunter, then later Timothy "Yogi" Watts on the more recent "Storm the Gates of Hell" - some awesome blasting and just magnificent kick work IMO - I know they're not up there with the absolute speed demons in metal, but at a certain speed it becomes just noise to me, and I can't appreciate what I'm hearing anyway - this stuff however is magnificent.