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Thread: Introduce Yourself!

  1. #1501

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    Default Re: Introduce Yourself!

    Welcome Rane! You'll like it here. A lot of beautiful people rich with experience and passionate about drumming. Would love to hear your band sometime. Basic drumming is easy so no need to worry. We're always here for you if you have questions along the way. Thanks for joining our drum family!

  2. #1502

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruudmansky View Post
    Okay, my turn now:
    Name: Ruud van den Hurk
    Age: 52
    Male or Female: Male, but I prefer females :-)
    I play:
    - DW Collector's Series custom kit, 10"x8"TT + 12"x8"TT + 14"x14"FT + 16"x14"FT, 22"x18"BD
    - Ludwig Black Beauty 14"x5" snare drum
    - Pearl Free Floating Copper shell 14"x 6.5" snare drum
    - Pearl and DW hardware
    - Trick 1-V Black Widow single bass drum pedal
    - Zildjian K + A-Custom cymbals
    Favorite drummer(s): Vinnie Colaiuta, Terry Bozzio, Ian Paice, John Bonham
    Yes, I play in a band
    I see a lot of dead people, not necessarily just during gigs ;-)
    I found Drum chat via an ingenious invention collectively known as Google

    That's me. Thanks for having me
    Thanks for having US! Welcome to our drum family Ruud. I like all the drummers you do, especially Vinnie!

  3. #1503
    telejojo Guest

    Default Re: Introduce Yourself!

    I just got back into drumming and was going to introduce myself and add some pics off of my iPhone but I guess I didn't know what I was doing because it kept asking me for a URL. I have always just tapped on the add photo icon and it took me to my photos. If someone will tell me how I will post some pics thanks.

  4. #1504

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    Brand new from the Florida panhandle. Used to play 40+ years ago. Got married, sold the drums, got divorced, should have kept the drums. Fast forward to today. Now I want to see if I can play again. My only competition with the drums now are old cars, old tractors, old motorcycles and just old age in general-haha Putting together a kit from pieces and parts found here and there.

  5. #1505

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    welcome to the forum! Glad to hear you're going back in action!

  6. #1506

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    Welcome to the forum and back to drumming. Feel free to jump in and ask any questions.

    "We don't stop playing because we grow old.
    We grow old because we stop playing."

    "I wish that my playing reminded people of Steve Gadd. But they seem to confuse me with his little known cousin... E."

    "Snare drums happen."

  7. #1507
    DRUMMER1971 Guest

    Default Re: Introduce Yourself!

    Hi everyone, New to Drumchat.
    Name: DRUMMER1971 (Rocco)
    Age: 67 going on 12
    I am male
    Type of drums: Sound Percussion (Christmas/retirement gift)
    Favorite drummer: Buddy Rich, John Bonham
    Last played in a band: mid 80's
    Do I see dead people? Doesn't everyone?
    Found Drumchat on Google

  8. #1508

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    Hi , It's great to be back. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

  9. #1509

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    Your Name: Garrett

    Age 26

    Male or Female? Male

    What type of Drums do you play? Pork Pie

    Who is your Favorite Drummer? I like a lot of drummers for different reasons. I don't really have a particular favorite.

    Are you in a band? I've freelance professionally with a lot of bands. As far as passion projects I work more on writing my own stuff.

    Do you see dead people? Nope! But if I do, this forum will be the first to know.

  10. #1510

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    Your Name (it's OK if you want to keep your real name private) Donald Ray .
    Age 51
    Male or Female? Male
    What type of Drums do you play? Pearl International Drums 1984-85 series / With 1970s Zildjian A'S Line
    Who is your Favorite Drummer? I have a few
    Are you in a band? Nope
    Do you see dead people? Yap and Ghost . Why you don't believe in that kind of stuff.
    How did you find Drum Chat? Just looking around on the web. Bam there it was LOL .
    Last edited by Drummer901; 05-24-2020 at 02:55 AM.

  11. #1511

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    Default Re: Introduce Yourself!

    Name:jay sticks(drums name)
    In a band or not: not in a band yet.
    Drums:9 pieces.
    And i found drumchat luckily on google.
    Last edited by Jay sticks; 06-29-2020 at 10:14 AM. Reason: For correction

  12. #1512

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    Default Re: Introduce Yourself!

    Welcome Jay Sticks, Drummer 901, GarrettTheDrummer, DrummerBoy18 and Drummer1971! Great to have you guys as new members of our drum brotherhood here at DrumChat!

  13. #1513

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    Name: Paul
    Age: 49
    7 piece Gretsch Catalina Birch, 6 piece Pearl Vision, 8 piece DB Pearl Export and Pearl E-pro's.
    But, I own these kits, doesn't mean I can play them!!
    Favourite Drummer: Cozy Powell (RIP)
    No band. Never have been.
    Dead people? On the news every night when they cross to any politician.
    I am a just a bit better than a beginner but i have been studying forums and drums intensely for over a year. I went looking for chats.

  14. #1514

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    Apologies for missing this, I've completed the initiation though!
    Your Name.Tubthumper
    Age 47
    What type of Drums do you play?Premier Resonator.
    Who is your Favorite Drummer?
    Nicko McBrain
    Are you in a band? Yep,a relatively new 4 piece rock covers band.
    Do you see dead people? Our bass player has a touch of zombie and I can see him.
    How did you find Drum Chat?Googlefu.
    Last edited by TubThumper; 07-26-2020 at 03:22 AM.

  15. #1515

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    Default Re: Introduce Yourself!

    New to drums (Bought my fist kit ever in June '20). Fairly new to drum chat, or chat in general. Started with guitars but really always loved it all! Classic rock and blues is what gets me going.
    Music can cure a lot of things!

  16. #1516

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    OK, so my name is Bob, but Cops, Judges and my mom when she's mad call me Robert.
    I am 55 and a half (finally matched my IQ).
    Male from Wisconsin
    Bought a Pearl Roadshow (I know, but it's my first ever) 5 pc
    -Upgraded the heads with 10, 12 and 16 Evans EC2 and 22" Powerstroke Pro.
    -Upgraded to Meinl 18" crash, Meinl 20" ride/crash, Zildjian 14" Mastersound Hi hats
    -6, 8, 10 inch Rototoms
    Original Pearl 16 crash was bent, replaced under warranty. They didn't want the bent one back, so I (un-bent) and used 12 Sabian rivets
    (Sounds a lot better)
    Always been very partial to lovely stylings of BONZO!
    Never been in a band, bun have been with the banned forever
    I see lots of dead people, but really they are mostly just as smart as everyone else I see
    Found Drum Chat by just looking for info (new to drumming, ya know)
    Was gonna add an image, but don't know how.

  17. #1517

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    Default Re: Introduce Yourself!

    Hello there. My name is John.
    I've been away from DrumChat for several years now so I figured I should "start over."
    I live in CA and make my living as an RN in a Post-Anesthesia unit. I get to push all the really good pain meds. My patients love me.
    Started out on piano at age 7 and switched to drums at 8 when my legs were long enough to reach the pedals on my older brother's drum set.
    I currently play for a Yes tribute in San Francisco called Shine Delirious. There's a few nicely produced live videos on our site with me as the drummer.
    I've been growing a very nice collection of custom made kits and snares I'd love to show off but I can't recall the means of posting pictures that show up here. I see some players have links, others have actual pics on their posts.
    Please advise.
    Thrilled to be back and checking out all the different set-ups.
    Proudly playing:
    Doc Sweeney Drums
    A bunch of snares
    A bunch of cymbals

    Off-Set double pedals

    I think I love to play the drums simply because you get to hit 'em!!!

  18. #1518

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    Brand new to the site, and to drums to a large degree...

    Name: Steve
    Age: 50
    What type of Drums do you play? Early 2000s PDP CX 5-piece; Alesis Crimson E-Kit
    Who is your Favorite Drummer? Isaac Teel (Tauk); Aquiles Priester; Atom Willard
    Are you in a band? Nah- just me
    Do you see dead people? Only on TV
    How did you find Drum Chat? The Googles..

    Mainly a guitarist but decided to give drums a go at the beginning of the year. Tried starting out the self-taught route since there's a zillion videos on YouTube but finally wised up and started taking lessons.
    "You want to learn to rock, right? Great- so, instead of doing that, we're gonna spend three years on the practice pad!" -8020 Drummer

  19. #1519
    melvinjoe Guest

    Default Re: Introduce Yourself!

    I am a newbie and want to explore more ideas !! So that join in that community !!!

  20. #1520

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    Welcome errrrybody!

  21. #1521

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    Your Name. Pete
    Age 69
    What type of Drums do you play? Gretsch 120th bop kit, and 70's drop G kit, with Agop Sigs leading he way!
    Who is your Favorite Drummer? Last person I listened to
    Are you in a band? My own trio, several quartets
    Do you see dead people? Yes, Elvin and I hang out quite regularly.
    How did you find Drum Chat? Very nice, thank you.
    I think I was a member here some years ago but started over, as I could not remember user name or my password.

  22. #1522

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    Welcome Pete! Glad to have you back.

  23. #1523

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    Your name Chris.
    Age 40
    Type of drums mapex meridian 6 piece midnight steel.
    Zildjian a customs all used
    Favorite drummer Abe Cunningham
    Just began playing again after twenty years. Got married had kids, in between divorce became a widow. Life can be crazy sometimes!
    In a band? no
    Dead people? Not this guy
    Found this chat by google search

  24. #1524

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    ^Welcome Chris!

  25. #1525

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    Default Re: Introduce Yourself!

    Welcome to Drum Chat everyone!

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