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Thread: Introduce Yourself!

  1. #1526

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    Welcome to our drum family Chris! So glad to hear you're playing drums again!

  2. #1527

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    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

  3. #1528

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    Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Mark and just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a "semi-senior" citizen of 61, and started playing again a couple of years ago after about a 37 year hiatus. I play for fun, recreation and therapy. Regarding the "therapy" reason, I am a US Army vet of 13 years as a combat medic. Playing helps with my PTSD and the ubiquitous emotional garbage that comes with it. Currently I have a Yamaha Stage Custom, (Honey Amber), Sabian XSR cymbals, DW hardware except for the foot pedal which is a Yamaha FP9C. I also have and a use a Yamaha EAD10 which I love.

    I would like to throw a question out to you all if I may. I'm at the point where I would like to record videos of my amazing "wedding band drummer" skill set. This is what I have at my disposal regarding tech; the EAD10, 7th gen iPad, Acer laptop, a Go-Pro wannabe camera. and my iPhone 7 Plus. At 61 I am fairly adept with technology, to a degree. What I would like to know is given what I have listed for tech, what would be the easiest way to record a decent sounding video. I'm thinking of using Garage Band, plugging the EAD10 into that and do a separate video recording with the camera, download into Garage Band and edit from there. I tried the Yamaha Rec n Share app, but for some reason, even though all my music came from iTunes originally, a good 70% could not be accessed. If anyone has any thoughts, guidance, suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. I thank you in advance.....

  4. #1529

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    Vic from Phoenixville, PA here. I am 62 years old, been playing since I was 22 or so. Was in a few cover bands way back, then life happened.

    I have recently started following Rob 'Beatdown' Brown online and that has driven me to one on one lessons at a music store in my area. First lesson is Easter Monday. I played for 40 years, but never really learned any technique. Better late than never.

    I listen to a ton of music and many drummers, names unknown, have influenced how I play. Ringo Star is one in particular who does it for me because of how he stayed out of the way of the music. I learned how to leave space and I learned that keeping good time and doing simple fills in a song is not a bad thing.

  5. #1530

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    Quote Originally Posted by VicM View Post
    Vic from Phoenixville, PA here. I am 62 years old, been playing since I was 22 or so. Was in a few cover bands way back, then life happened.

    I have recently started following Rob 'Beatdown' Brown online and that has driven me to one on one lessons at a music store in my area. First lesson is Easter Monday. I played for 40 years, but never really learned any technique. Better late than never.

    I listen to a ton of music and many drummers, names unknown, have influenced how I play. Ringo Star is one in particular who does it for me because of how he stayed out of the way of the music. I learned how to leave space and I learned that keeping good time and doing simple fills in a song is not a bad thing.
    Absolutely! Play for the song! - - Welcome to Drum Chat Vic!

  6. #1531

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    Hello everyone! My name is Kevin. It's been years since I've been active on this forum. But I'm happy to say I am back and look forward to meeting you all and contributing when I can.
    Here is my current setup.
    DW Collectors
    Entire Neil Peart Paragon Cymbal Set
    All DW 9000 Hardware
    Pdp 13x7 20 ply Limited Edition Walnut/Maple Snare.


    DW Collectors - Paragon - Vic Firth -

  7. #1532

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    Welcome one and all.

    Some fine looking gear displayed as well.

    Ooooh lala!
    Signature here

  8. #1533

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    Hello fellow forum members,
    My name is Perry, i earn part of my living playing drums, i also work in a music store and teach drums in a music school.
    Glad to be able to chat and share ideas with you all,
    Cheers and thanks to the moderators for bringing me onboard

  9. #1534

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    Quote Originally Posted by Perry View Post
    Hello fellow forum members,
    My name is Perry, i earn part of my living playing drums, i also work in a music store and teach drums in a music school.
    Glad to be able to chat and share ideas with you all,
    Cheers and thanks to the moderators for bringing me onboard
    Welcome aboard, Perry. Glad to have you.

    Jump in anywhere and share, show kit pics, ask questions. Family friendly and friendly family.
    Signature here

  10. #1535

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    Hey thanks Bish, i truly appreciate it and happy to be part of this awesome community !

  11. #1536

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    Hello, New Member here , Johnny Rotten is what they call me. I am a Male and I am 55 years old , I Grew up in Flushing Queens NY and gigged with alot of bands in NYC and Long Island. I have been playing for quite some time, (about 40 years) Right now I am not currently in a band but hope to soon again as I am recovering from heart surgery and have been out of commission lately. I currently have 2 kits , a beautiful 8 piece DW Performance in Gun Metal Metallic, and a Roland TD-20X E-kit , I am a big Rush Fan, and really don't have a favorite Drummer although Peart is up there along with Buddy, Krupa, Gadd and a bunch more. I hope to have some good chats with you Guys and Gals and I will post pics of my kits as soon as I find out how to. Peace out, Johnny

  12. #1537

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    I dont see the Manage attachments, How do I load an image from my computer? It only gives me the URL Option
    Music is Life! Learn to Play and Live.

  13. #1538

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    Hi guys, hello Mr. SuperModerator! My name is Henrik, I'm from Solna, Sweden. I'm amateur drummer I use Roland TD-07DMK V-Drum Set for practicing and also trying to use scores for practice (I think it can be usefull for me, I work with this stuff. If you have any alternative way of learning and practicing it will be great. The reason I joint "Drum Chat" is to know what I need to do and how I need to do it! So, this is it! I hope I will be good "student" here

  14. #1539

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    Hi, all. I just joined tonight. My name is Rick and I'm 65 years old and I just started on drums. My family bought me a practice pad with a pair of sticks last Christmas, mostly because my wife had seen me use my hands to drum on anything, or use pencils or chopsticks, or air drum, our entire marriage. I had been watching video and doing some rudiments, but wanted to do more so I started taking lessons. After four, I realized that I needed a kit, to fully practice and today, I bought my first kit. It's a Ludwig Element Evolution with 10-12-14 toms and a 20 inch bass. As usual, from what I could see, I have ZBT 14' hi-hats, 16' crash, and 20' ride. The snare is interesting. I have, what I believe is a Ludwig acrolite. It's brushed aluminum, with eight lugs and a blue and olive badge with two rounded and two pointed corners. The kit is in fantastic shape and I bought it off of an ad, from someone who was in the Navy (I'm former Air Force) and was just selling a lot of his stuff. I don't think he knew a lot about drums (he had started teaching himself and had a drummer friend get this kit for him). I say I don't think he knew a lot about drums, because when I reference a rack ton, he was puzzled and when I started taking it apart, his comment was I didn't know the stand did that. Anyway, I paid $360 for it, including a throne.

    I've got to clean out a room and then set it up. When I get that done, I'll add pictures. I hope you treat newbies well.

  15. #1540

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    Hi I'm John from new Zealand. Male. Jump on a kit 3 months ago, started playing at 50yrs old just having some fun being a loud bugger. Tama kits: imperial star, vintage swing star, 80s rock star. Pearl exports 80s-90s 4 kits. Marpex Q. Entry Level Senor kit. 2x 80s Olympic. Vintage new sound, and a couple no name kits.( Help I think I have a problem) having fun doing Some restorationas well as playing. Aunty Google told me about this place. hopping to get some tips and knowledge on drum playing and restoration
    Cheers guys and gals

  16. #1541

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bushwacker View Post
    ( Help I think I have a problem)
    You're in good company here. Many of us have that problem, lol. Welcome again to our drum family!

  17. #1542

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    Signature here

  18. #1543

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    Welcome Bushwacker ! I am glad you are here.

  19. #1544

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    I have no idea if this message will actually get to you because I have no idea how-to use this site! It's embarrassing

  20. #1545

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancing queen View Post
    I have no idea if this message will actually get to you because I have no idea how-to use this site! It's embarrassing
    Well, you were successful. Welcome to Drum Chat.
    Signature here

  21. #1546

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancing queen View Post
    I have no idea if this message will actually get to you because I have no idea how-to use this site! It's embarrassing
    You did it! And welcome Dancing Queen!! Now kick off your shoes and stay awhile.

  22. #1547

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    I thought I had Introduced myself in an earlier Post. But here goes again. I'm located in Westchester County, NY. I'm 71 YO, retired in May 2021 after working for 48 years in business, a guy, and most importantly a Resurrected Drummer after 50 YEARS [1969]. Currently, I play on a PDP Concept Maple 7 drum kit (Snare, Kick, 8, 10, 12 Rack Toms, 14 & 16 Floor Toms), purchased USED in 2021. My wife of 44 years [now 48 years!], of all people, at the time in 2018, gifted me a cheapo Gammon Kit after I mentioned I would like to "hit the drums again" in an earlier discussion. I was approaching retirement at the time and thought I would go to a Music Studio to "get it out of my system". I have that Gammon Kit to my 5 year old Grandson who always wanted to play Poppi's Drums upon every visit. I play to My Music about 1 hour a day. Hope to be able to hook up with a some other local geriatric musicians to Jam ! (before my arthritic conditions get the best of Me !!).

  23. #1548

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    Hi , Drummer1966, check out any local establishments that might have open mic night or jam nights. After not playing in public for over 35 years I started playing at a jam night. I am having a lot of fun and meeting a bunch of local musicians.Go out and do it.

    Mapex Sabian Ludwig Saluda Assorted Snare Drums

  24. #1549

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    Hi slanddad, Great Idea... I can play mostly basic Stuff (Stones, Petty, Mellencamp, Eagles, etc.) but I never played with other Musicians except the HS buddies in 1967-69. I guess you have to start off somewhere .

  25. #1550

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    Hi Drummer1966, you must've seen some greats in concert. Would be fun to hear about. I was born in 66 so I've seen most of the mainstream 80's rock guys and a few 70's guys. Got to see Ian Paice play on a DP tour a couple years ago. Welcome back to your drums
    Last edited by slinky; 01-28-2023 at 06:11 AM.
    Red Dirt Mountain
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