Slinky, Unfortunately, I really didn't see too many concerts. I was 18 when Woodstock came about. I did NOT go, but that was MY MUSIC for sure. If you know that story, Woodstock was posted on Banners in Forest Hills Queens as an upcoming Arts & Music Fair. Weall know what happened to that expected 45-50,000 people - exploding into 500,000! Regarding concerts that I saw in that ERA, I loved Ten Years After with Alvin Lee (first seen at Woodstock - the Movie). So I saw them 2X at the Fillmore East, Laura Nero (my wife's favorite - we were dating at the time) at the Fillmore East, Miles Davis, Jethro Tull there too. I'm located neaby the Capitol Theather in Port Chester NY. That was a major Venue for all artists/ Bands form Allman Bros. to ZZ TOP. I never there 1X while living in Queens and saw Hall & Oats there!