I do appreciate the hard work you guys are doing here. I like the 100 post rule. Establishes some sort of "familiarity" with the seller. I'm sure like many folks here, I feel like I know a lot of you guys.
Welcome to our new classifieds section of Drum Chat.
- As a member, you must already have 100 posts elsewhere in the forum before being able to post in this section of the forum. This does not include numerous posts in game or off topic threads.
- You may only sell your personal gear, not that of another party.
- You may not link or refer to ebay or craigslist or another website. Your ad must be contained within this post.
- You may not use pictures with store or website branding.
- You must have a "full" description of your product including a picture.
- No vintage drums at this time (over 30 years old).
- No dealers in any way, shape or form.
- Upon posting in this section, you agree that Drum Bum, Inc (owner of forum) will not be held responsible for any part of the transaction that takes place as it relates to this forum. Proceed with caution.
- Because these rules are subject to change, check this page before posting.
If the rules are broken, you may be permanently banned from the forum.
- Use PayPal
- If something "smells funny", back out. Trust your instincts.
- Avoid making payment as a "gift".
- Be an informed buyer. Do as much research as possible.
I do appreciate the hard work you guys are doing here. I like the 100 post rule. Establishes some sort of "familiarity" with the seller. I'm sure like many folks here, I feel like I know a lot of you guys.
It also makes it easier for Marko to sell me his Starclassics when he moves on to another kit.
1986 Tama Crestar - Lacquered Piano White
2016 Roland TD-25K
2015 Tama Starclassic B/B - Indigo Blue Sparkle
should i delete the thread if its not needed anymore?
Personally I like to see what stuff sold and what it sold for, as it helps should I be selling a similar item in the future. Then I have an idea what the market value of it is.
So I'd vote just to leave it and post that it's sold.
+1...............it does help.
Throughout my global Paiste search, I've posted thousands in all the different FB groups and marketing sites...
I'm just looking for the following Paiste splash cymbals..
*2002 10" power splash
*Colorsound 5 10" splash
*Colorsound 2000 10" splash