Check out the Speed Cobra.
Hi Drumchatters, I'm looking for a Pedal (I want to buy a Double Pedal cause I could use it now as a Single Pedal and when I'm more experienced as Double Version) and I can choose between DW 5002 TD3 and Pearl Eliminator 2002B both are 299.-€.
Unfortunately I realized that DW discontinues their TD3 Models and it is available in only 2 Shops and probably it is sold out till I can buy it.
The Eliminator 2002B has a Strap instead of a Chain, what is the difference?
Is a Pedal with Strap lower quality as with Chain?
A Strap doesn't look very strong...
Does anyone own this Eliminator?
Oh and I can't try it out before I buy it cause I don't have a drumshop in my area.
Greetings from Germany
Yamaha Stage Custom Birch (CR):
20,12,10 + 14x5,5" PDP Maple/Bubinga snare
Tama hardware
Remo drumheads
Paiste cymbals
Check out the Speed Cobra.
Last edited by skills; 10-31-2014 at 10:14 AM.
Yamaha Stage Custom Birch (CR):
20,12,10 + 14x5,5" PDP Maple/Bubinga snare
Tama hardware
Remo drumheads
Paiste cymbals
I have a Pearl Eliminator(single pedal). My good friend Mr. late8 talked me into and sold me a strap for it. It feels much more smooth and responsive than the chain.
I have the DW5002 and its is a very solid build and smooth pedal. For me it felt better than the Eliminator. Can't really explain it, just a feel thing.
I think you should consider the Mapex Raptor and Falcon pedals though. If they were out when I bought the 5000's I would have chosen one of them instead.
DW drums and Paiste cymbals.
I'd actually wanted to buy a double pedal but the Stores did a higher price for it from 299.-€ to 350.-€ so I just bought a Single Pedal.
It is a Pearl Eliminator 2002B Single.
Yamaha Stage Custom Birch (CR):
20,12,10 + 14x5,5" PDP Maple/Bubinga snare
Tama hardware
Remo drumheads
Paiste cymbals
Really loving my eliminator 2002(also have p-120's). Double chain, one of the main differences between belt and chain is maintenance. Here and there with chain based pedals I like to use wd-40 and remove dust buildups to keep it running smoothly. Belt I never worried too much about, although you may want to check for any rips or tears on the material. I've yet to, but i've always wanted to try a direct drive pedal.
Snares: 4
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