Like ^^^
..... it's something that finds you when you are doing the right thing. It doesn't come from serving yourself, in fact unrest results from that.... you are never going to be satisfied, yet you keep trying.... buying more stuff, doing more to try and feel good... but it's never enough. Some of the richest people are the most miserable.
It's all backwards.
Happiness finds you when you are kind to other people, even when they don't deserve it. It finds you when you help someone out, even if it puts you behind ... you have a glow inside knowing that you're a decent human being and someone is happy because you cared to share your time or resources with them.
I'm a firm believer and know from experience that what goes around comes back around to you.
That will be all.
Last edited by Zone47; 10-31-2014 at 12:09 PM.
Like ^^^
Signature here
Nice post Zone. Thanks!
very well said
all the best...
Some great wisdom there. Thank you.
Acoustic & Electronic:
Pearl Prestige World Series WLX 1988
Tama Swingstar 1983
Tama Superstar Hyper-Drive (Birch) 2007
Ludwig Acrolite Snare 1976
Ludwig Supraphonic 6.5x14" 2021
Pearl Sensitone Elite Aluminum 5.5" and 6.5" Snare
Pearl COB Custom Deluxe [Gladstone] (75-76) Snare
Love Drum Co. Hammered Steel 5.5" Snare
Roland TD-1KV
Accent 8"
Paiste Signature:
6", 10" Splash
14" Dark Crisp Hi-Hats
14" Sound Edge Hi-Hats
16", 17", 18",19", 20" Full Crash
22" Symphonic Med-Heavy (use as a Ride)
Paiste Formula 602:
22" Formula 602 Modern Essentials Ride
Paiste 2oo2:
22" Ride
16" Crash
8",10" Splash
Paiste 2oo2 Big Beat:
15" Hi-Hats
19", 20", 21" Big Beat Multifunctional
Paiste Sound Formula:
16" Crash
20" Full Ride (Frankenstein)
Paiste Twenty:
16" China
Paiste Alpha (original Swiss made):
12" Splash
Paiste PST7:
16", 18" Crash
20" Ride
14" Hi-Hats
XS20 18" China
AA 14" Fusion Hi-Hats
Very good insight. Thank you for posting.
I think I'll change my signature.
One additional insight, zone:
The more you chase happiness, the harder it flies away from you. When you stop chasing it, it more often than not lands on your shoulder...when you least expect it!
Other than that, awesome!
keep the beat goin' ... Don't keep it to yourself!
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." --Henry David Thoreau, "Walden," 1854
"There's a lot to be said for Time Honored tradition and value." --In memory of Frank "fiacovaz" Iacovazzi
"Maybe your drums can be beat, but you can't."--Jack Keck
But there's nothing wrong with building a nest for happiness to come and live in.
all the best...
Yup, happiness comes from within. Learn to love yourself and love others despite their faults (that one's easier said then done). You'll find everything else falls into place.
The sad part is that happiness is usually short-lived. People that are happy all the time are usually in institutions.
There has to be some bad otherwise you would never recognize the good. (Brilliant observation on my part)
I know what it's like to be completely happy, and I know what it's like to be completely miserable. PTSD will do that to you. The worst part of it is, past the anxiety attacks etc., is the loss of "peace of mind". I wouldn't know total peace of mind if it bit me on the a$$.
So, when you think that things are bad, trust me, they aren't. Lose your peace of mind and everything else becomes insignificant.
Pretty much the "Golden Rule" right there. Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. That's pretty much how I live my life. Be nice to everyone(even if they don't deserve it). That's how I find happiness and inner peace. I find that it takes a lot more energy to be a jerk and nasty.
Well said Zone!
Last edited by Markadiddle; 01-02-2015 at 05:54 PM.
words of wisdom
To add my tuppence, regarding how 'life is backwards', I agree.
We spend our lives accumulating materials and then can't take them with us when we die.
I think it would make more sense to be born with enormous material wealth and then be challenged to have passed it all on by the time we, … pass on!
Last edited by eric vaxxine; 02-15-2015 at 07:05 PM.
Of course, if we were born with everything, then GAS would be
non-existant ... booo
(GAS - gear acquisition syndrome)