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Thread: What inspires you to play drums?

  1. #26

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    Default Re: What inspires you to play drums?

    I'm not sure what inspires me to play but it certainly is not my bank account.
    Wear hearing protection.

  2. #27

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    I hate my neighbours

  3. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by crispycritters View Post
    I hate my neighbours

  4. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by crispycritters View Post
    I hate my neighbours
    That too!
    Wear hearing protection.

  5. #30

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    I guess I should add to my previous response...
    When I was a kid (5yrs-7yrs old), my oldest brother played bass in a band. They practiced in our garage and I used to hang out with them during practice. They would let me sing and the drummer would let me sit at his kit and play around on it. He would let me do cymbal rolls with mallets for the opening of some songs. He gave me a set of sticks and a Ludwig practice pad so I could practice. That's what got me started on drums, as opposed to other instruments. Unfortunately, I really haven't gotten much better than I was when I was 5, LOL.

    "Too many crappy used drum stuff to list"

    Play the SONG......not the DRUMS!!!

    "I think that feeling is a lot more important than technique. It's all very well doing a triple paradiddle - but who's going to know you've done it? If you play technically you sound like everybody else. It's being original that counts." ~ John Bonham

  6. #31

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    Good praise and worship music... that is what inspires me to play drums. Peace and goodwill.
    Mark Wellman - drummer for Jesus; Pearl Modern Utility snare, Mapex Black Panther Venom snare, Mapex MPX snare, Mapex Saturn bass drum and toms / Sabian AAX/ Evans / Pro Mark

    Church Drummer's Army

  7. #32

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    It was 1 of the few things that I could do in New Jersey that I didn't need a Hazmat suit for.









  8. #33

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    Rick, Man That is For Sure. As you get even older, You become More and More Unimpressed by the Nonsense. At least I do. It Ain't Worth it...

  9. #34

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    I played as a kid until my parents split up and Dad sold the kit. . .Just picked it back up after 40+ years when a family member let me jump on her kit.
    Love it now as much as I did then. . . maybe even more !!

  10. #35

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    Way to go man get on that kit and rock the house

  11. #36

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    I stumbled upon this Thread which looks to be an Oldie, But a Goodie. paisal, somewhat similar circumstances for me in that I stopped playing in 1969 at age 18 due to HS Buddies who were playing together and learning their respective instruments, went different ways upon HS Graduation in June 1969. As you may well know, 1969 was a year not to be Forgotten for many reasons: NY Jets win SuperBowl III, Moon Landing in July, WOODSTOCK in August, and The Miracle Mets win the World Series (needless to say I'm from Queens NY - extremely exciting). I went to College, my other Buddies (Band Mates - we never made it to a Gig), went on to other areas. My Drum Set [that's what we called them then, Sets not Kits], was at one of the Buddies' house (He was the only one eho lived in a house with a basement). When we separated, I sold the Drum set. I always played Drums in my head, Air Drums in the car or at home, but never pursued Drum Playing again UNTIL.....2019 - 50 Years Later. My wife of 44 years (HS Sweethearts) in 2018, heard me say that I was interested in going to a local Music Studio ..."just to bang on some Drums" in the fall of 2018. I was heading toward retirement which I did in May 2021. That Xmas 2018, she got me a Cheapo Gammon Drum Kit as a Surprise. And I was !. I finally set the kit up maybe a month or two after Xmas and the rest is now History. I had plenty of RUST, but was able to shake most of it in short time. Now, mind you, I was basically a Self Taught drummer, who didn't really know how to read Music. I played by Ear - Rock Music. I watched You Tube Videos about playing and more importantly learned about the Nuances of the Instrument: Tuning, Drum Heads, cymbals, etc. I knew nothing of this Stuff back in the day. I would play about 1 hour a day in the evening before dinner (circa 6 PM - still do!). Originally I only had a small Boom Box to play Music in the Finished Basement of my house. Then upgraded to some better equipment to play music. During COVID Hibernation (working at Home from March 2020 to October 2020 when I went out on a Disability which evolved to a Full Retirement in May 2021, I created a "Mancave" / Studio. Bought all new Stereo Equipment , Speakers, etc. In the Summer of 2021, I gave my Gammon Kit to my 5-year-old Grandson (who loved playing my Drums every time he visited) and Purchased a USED PDP Concept Maple 6 Drum Kit. I also added other Drums, new Snares, New Cymbals, and of Course tried various Batter heads, and other Drum paraphernalia. Now in retirement, I play most days - 1 hour a day. I'm curtailed by some Spinal Arthritis and Spinal Stenosis which leaves me Drained and chronically tired, but I manage { a Bourbon or a beer helps . I play to MY Music which includes but not limited to: Mellencamp, Petty, Beatles, Billie Joel, Paul Simon, Stones, Hollies, Clapton, Winwood, Steely Dan, Zombies, Cars, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, CCR, Van Morrison, Talking Heads, Springsteen, Motown tunes, some of Santana, some of The Who, and love Linda Ronstadt & Bonnie Rait..

    So, after 50 Years, The Beat Goes On (I play some Sonny & Cher too, ). I'm probably at a quasi-Intermediate level drumming skill. At 71 yo, who knows, maybe a Geriatric musicians Jam happens nearby and I could actually play with others. For the record, I believe the first Tune I played to Shake The Rust was The Hollies' Long Tall Woman in a Black Dress & The Stones' Time is on My Side. It came back to me like riding a Bike.

  12. #37

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummer1966 View Post
    I stumbled upon this Thread which looks to be an Oldie, But a Goodie. paisal, somewhat similar circumstances for me in that I stopped playing in 1969 at age 18 due to HS Buddies who were playing together and learning their respective instruments, went different ways upon HS Graduation in June 1969. As you may well know, 1969 was a year not to be Forgotten for many reasons: NY Jets win SuperBowl III, Moon Landing in July, WOODSTOCK in August, and The Miracle Mets win the World Series (needless to say I'm from Queens NY - extremely exciting). I went to College, my other Buddies (Band Mates - we never made it to a Gig), went on to other areas. My Drum Set [that's what we called them then, Sets not Kits], was at one of the Buddies' house (He was the only one eho lived in a house with a basement). When we separated, I sold the Drum set. I always played Drums in my head, Air Drums in the car or at home, but never pursued Drum Playing again UNTIL.....2019 - 50 Years Later. My wife of 44 years (HS Sweethearts) in 2018, heard me say that I was interested in going to a local Music Studio ..."just to bang on some Drums" in the fall of 2018. I was heading toward retirement which I did in May 2021. That Xmas 2018, she got me a Cheapo Gammon Drum Kit as a Surprise. And I was !. I finally set the kit up maybe a month or two after Xmas and the rest is now History. I had plenty of RUST, but was able to shake most of it in short time. Now, mind you, I was basically a Self Taught drummer, who didn't really know how to read Music. I played by Ear - Rock Music. I watched You Tube Videos about playing and more importantly learned about the Nuances of the Instrument: Tuning, Drum Heads, cymbals, etc. I knew nothing of this Stuff back in the day. I would play about 1 hour a day in the evening before dinner (circa 6 PM - still do!). Originally I only had a small Boom Box to play Music in the Finished Basement of my house. Then upgraded to some better equipment to play music. During COVID Hibernation (working at Home from March 2020 to October 2020 when I went out on a Disability which evolved to a Full Retirement in May 2021, I created a "Mancave" / Studio. Bought all new Stereo Equipment , Speakers, etc. In the Summer of 2021, I gave my Gammon Kit to my 5-year-old Grandson (who loved playing my Drums every time he visited) and Purchased a USED PDP Concept Maple 6 Drum Kit. I also added other Drums, new Snares, New Cymbals, and of Course tried various Batter heads, and other Drum paraphernalia. Now in retirement, I play most days - 1 hour a day. I'm curtailed by some Spinal Arthritis and Spinal Stenosis which leaves me Drained and chronically tired, but I manage { a Bourbon or a beer helps . I play to MY Music which includes but not limited to: Mellencamp, Petty, Beatles, Billie Joel, Paul Simon, Stones, Hollies, Clapton, Winwood, Steely Dan, Zombies, Cars, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, CCR, Van Morrison, Talking Heads, Springsteen, Motown tunes, some of Santana, some of The Who, and love Linda Ronstadt & Bonnie Rait..

    So, after 50 Years, The Beat Goes On (I play some Sonny & Cher too, ). I'm probably at a quasi-Intermediate level drumming skill. At 71 yo, who knows, maybe a Geriatric musicians Jam happens nearby and I could actually play with others. For the record, I believe the first Tune I played to Shake The Rust was The Hollies' Long Tall Woman in a Black Dress & The Stones' Time is on My Side. It came back to me like riding a Bike.
    Great Story. Thanks for sharing.

    Sounds like you got yourself a really decent set up and as you may now recall...the fun begins with head swaps and possibly enjoying looking for more or newer gear. We never seem to stop looking, listening and wanting more. Now you have some knowledge and "enlightenment" to fall back on and really bring your game to the next level.

    Good for you!!
    Signature here

  13. #38

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    Default Re: What inspires you to play drums?

    Quote Originally Posted by Drummer1966 View Post
    I stumbled upon this Thread which looks to be an Oldie, But a Goodie. paisal, somewhat similar circumstances for me in that I stopped playing in 1969 at age 18 due to HS Buddies who were playing together and learning their respective instruments, went different ways upon HS Graduation in June 1969. As you may well know, 1969 was a year not to be Forgotten for many reasons: NY Jets win SuperBowl III, Moon Landing in July, WOODSTOCK in August, and The Miracle Mets win the World Series (needless to say I'm from Queens NY - extremely exciting). I went to College, my other Buddies (Band Mates - we never made it to a Gig), went on to other areas. My Drum Set [that's what we called them then, Sets not Kits], was at one of the Buddies' house (He was the only one eho lived in a house with a basement). When we separated, I sold the Drum set. I always played Drums in my head, Air Drums in the car or at home, but never pursued Drum Playing again UNTIL.....2019 - 50 Years Later. My wife of 44 years (HS Sweethearts) in 2018, heard me say that I was interested in going to a local Music Studio ..."just to bang on some Drums" in the fall of 2018. I was heading toward retirement which I did in May 2021. That Xmas 2018, she got me a Cheapo Gammon Drum Kit as a Surprise. And I was !. I finally set the kit up maybe a month or two after Xmas and the rest is now History. I had plenty of RUST, but was able to shake most of it in short time. Now, mind you, I was basically a Self Taught drummer, who didn't really know how to read Music. I played by Ear - Rock Music. I watched You Tube Videos about playing and more importantly learned about the Nuances of the Instrument: Tuning, Drum Heads, cymbals, etc. I knew nothing of this Stuff back in the day. I would play about 1 hour a day in the evening before dinner (circa 6 PM - still do!). Originally I only had a small Boom Box to play Music in the Finished Basement of my house. Then upgraded to some better equipment to play music. During COVID Hibernation (working at Home from March 2020 to October 2020 when I went out on a Disability which evolved to a Full Retirement in May 2021, I created a "Mancave" / Studio. Bought all new Stereo Equipment , Speakers, etc. In the Summer of 2021, I gave my Gammon Kit to my 5-year-old Grandson (who loved playing my Drums every time he visited) and Purchased a USED PDP Concept Maple 6 Drum Kit. I also added other Drums, new Snares, New Cymbals, and of Course tried various Batter heads, and other Drum paraphernalia. Now in retirement, I play most days - 1 hour a day. I'm curtailed by some Spinal Arthritis and Spinal Stenosis which leaves me Drained and chronically tired, but I manage { a Bourbon or a beer helps . I play to MY Music which includes but not limited to: Mellencamp, Petty, Beatles, Billie Joel, Paul Simon, Stones, Hollies, Clapton, Winwood, Steely Dan, Zombies, Cars, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, CCR, Van Morrison, Talking Heads, Springsteen, Motown tunes, some of Santana, some of The Who, and love Linda Ronstadt & Bonnie Rait..

    So, after 50 Years, The Beat Goes On (I play some Sonny & Cher too, ). I'm probably at a quasi-Intermediate level drumming skill. At 71 yo, who knows, maybe a Geriatric musicians Jam happens nearby and I could actually play with others. For the record, I believe the first Tune I played to Shake The Rust was The Hollies' Long Tall Woman in a Black Dress & The Stones' Time is on My Side. It came back to me like riding a Bike.
    That was such a great read. Thanks so much for sharing. It's great that you followed your instincts. It's my personal belief that age just doesn't matter. Do what makes you happy as our time here on earth is short.

    Good luck with your physical challenges. I have my own and too work around them best I can.

  14. #39

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    Muchos Gracias, Bish! Kind Words. The only problem I run into is that I have some OCD :(:(. OCDers have this infliction that pushes for "perfection". Sometimes it's Good , sometimes it's Bad. I'm in that category of Head Swapping - striving for that "sound". Especially from the 2 Snares. I posted elsewhere here about a "weird" Hack. While struggling with tuning my DW Design Brass 14 X 6.5 Snare (and a PDP Maple Snare 14 X 5.5 - part of my purchased Kit), after replacing the batter head with a new HD Dry [which was the head on the drum when I purchased it USED in 2021], I placed the DW on my 16" Floor Tomto get it out of my way while playing at home a few months ago. I was frustrated because I couldn't tune it to my liking. When doing Fill while playing, I hit that Sucker and BINGO !! That was It. That Ludwig Supraphonic - John Bonham Snare sound. Take it off the Tom and it was not the same. I said WTF !! I posted this here and elsewhere. Posters commented. One said I was playing two drums simultaneously ; another Bozozoid, said that I may have Invented a New Snare Stand!! I've been fooling with this for a few months now. Tried UV1 and UV2 heads - NG. Tried a Power Center head - OK< but still not the same sound. As silly as it sounds, Iam using my old cheapo Gammon 16 X 16 Floor tom as a snare Stand!! Here's another Kick in the Pants.... The snares (nboth of them) sound differently when on the 16 X 14 Maple Tom vs. the 16 X 16 Gammon (I guess it's some sort of Birch wood) !!

    Just ordered a Remo Emperor Batter head for the Snare to see how that Goes...Damn that OCD !! . PS.. I should add that I tried using a EC2 clear 16" head in the snare stand and placing the druns on that. Close but not the same. One big benefit: All Snare Buzz from your the 3 Rack Toms is GONE !! But it does alter the sound of the snares. It's akin to being a Sound Engineer.
    Last edited by Drummer1966; 04-18-2023 at 12:06 PM.

  15. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummer1966 View Post
    Muchos Gracias, Bish! Kind Words. The only problem I run into is that I have some OCD :(:(. OCDers have this infliction that pushes for "perfection". Sometimes it's Good , sometimes it's Bad. I'm in that category of Head Swapping - striving for that "sound". Especially from the 2 Snares. I posted elsewhere here about a "weird" Hack. While struggling with tuning my DW Design Brass 14 X 6.5 Snare (and a PDP Maple Snare 14 X 5.5 - part of my purchased Kit), after replacing the batter head with a new HD Dry [which was the head on the drum when I purchased it USED in 2021], I placed the DW on my 16" Floor Tomto get it out of my way while playing at home a few months ago. I was frustrated because I couldn't tune it to my liking. When doing Fill while playing, I hit that Sucker and BINGO !! That was It. That Ludwig Supraphonic - John Bonham Snare sound. Take it off the Tom and it was not the same. I said WTF !! I posted this here and elsewhere. Posters commented. One said I was playing two drums simultaneously ; another Bozozoid, said that I may have Invented a New Snare Stand!! I've been fooling with this for a few months now. Tried UV1 and UV2 heads - NG. Tried a Power Center head - OK< but still not the same sound. As silly as it sounds, Iam using my old cheapo Gammon 16 X 16 Floor tom as a snare Stand!! Here's another Kick in the Pants.... The snares (nboth of them) sound differently when on the 16 X 14 Maple Tom vs. the 16 X 16 Gammon (I guess it's some sort of Birch wood) !!

    Just ordered a Remo Emperor Batter head for the Snare to see how that Goes...Damn that OCD !! . PS.. I should add that I tried using a EC2 clear 16" head in the snare stand and placing the druns on that. Close but not the same. One big benefit: All Snare Buzz from your the 3 Rack Toms is GONE !! But it does alter the sound of the snares. It's akin to being a Sound Engineer.
    Ah the awareness of what subtle changes can do. What you might do is start with both heads (of your choice) and bring them up slowly and find the sweet spots of the shell. I know snare sound is so subjective so getting what you like, only you can do in your surroundings.

    As for the perfect snare sound in my case, by chance, my TAMA B/B maple snare which came tuned way up from the factory hit all the check boxes. Never had that again with any other snare. I currently have a Ludwig LM402 that I will gig with confidence. I have several other wood snares that do well but I'll go to the LM before anything else these days.
    Signature here

  16. #41

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    On Father's Day 2023.... and as a "Drummer in my own mind"....I really enjoyed that You Tube video.

  17. #42

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnySticks View Post
    Because when I play I feel better and this is why
    This is the Post I was referring to in my previous post a few moments ago. Forgot to reply with Quote. THX again for posting this.

  18. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by NPYYZ View Post
    I play my kit now because I still enjoy it, and I've been doing it for so long it would seem strange it I stopped.
    Quote Originally Posted by drummer View Post
    That was such a great read. Thanks so much for sharing. It's great that you followed your instincts. It's my personal belief that age just doesn't matter. Do what makes you happy as our time here on earth is short.

    Good luck with your physical challenges. I have my own and too work around them best I can.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bish View Post
    Great Story. Thanks for sharing.

    Sounds like you got yourself a really decent set up and as you may now recall...the fun begins with head swaps and possibly enjoying looking for more or newer gear. We never seem to stop looking, listening and wanting more. Now you have some knowledge and "enlightenment" to fall back on and really bring your game to the next level.

    Good for you!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Bish View Post
    Ah the awareness of what subtle changes can do. What you might do is start with both heads (of your choice) and bring them up slowly and find the sweet spots of the shell. I know snare sound is so subjective so getting what you like, only you can do in your surroundings.

    As for the perfect snare sound in my case, by chance, my TAMA B/B maple snare which came tuned way up from the factory hit all the check boxes. Never had that again with any other snare. I currently have a Ludwig LM402 that I will gig with confidence. I have several other wood snares that do well but I'll go to the LM before anything else these days.
    As an update to my sound engineering efforts with my Snares, now I've settled for the sound I have achieved as follows: Using my Maple 14 X 5.5 PDP snare, a HD Dry batter head, new 300 reso head, placed atop an old 16 X 16 Floor Tom - as a snare stand!, light usage of Gapp tape on the batter head, this producing the best sounds to my ear. Good attack, balanced sustain, and the added Bonus of all Snare Buzz is eliminated from the Toms!. What is funny is that different Floor tom produce different sounds. Ideally, the PDP 16 X 14 (deep) Floor Tom produces the "best" sound out of the two snares [14 X 6.5 DW Brass & the 14 X 5.5 PDP maple]. I had the larger Floor Tom from my previous cheapo Gammon Kit. Se Le Vie...

  19. #44

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    The fear that the aging process will speed up if I don't keep playing lol

  20. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by inthpktplayer View Post
    The fear that the aging process will speed up if I don't keep playing lol
    You gotta keep movin'.

    Mapex Sabian Ludwig Saluda Assorted Snare Drums

  21. #46

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drummer1966 View Post
    As an update to my sound engineering efforts with my Snares, now I've settled for the sound I have achieved as follows: Using my Maple 14 X 5.5 PDP snare, a HD Dry batter head, new 300 reso head, placed atop an old 16 X 16 Floor Tom - as a snare stand!, light usage of Gapp tape on the batter head, this producing the best sounds to my ear. Good attack, balanced sustain, and the added Bonus of all Snare Buzz is eliminated from the Toms!. What is funny is that different Floor tom produce different sounds. Ideally, the PDP 16 X 14 (deep) Floor Tom produces the "best" sound out of the two snares [14 X 6.5 DW Brass & the 14 X 5.5 PDP maple]. I had the larger Floor Tom from my previous cheapo Gammon Kit. Se Le Vie...
    Further Update... I have abandoned the Snares atop of the Floor Toms. I put the HD Dry batter heads on Both Snares. I out a a G2 Coated Floor Tom batter head in the snare stand which sits on two of the 3 Legs of the stand which tilts the Snare upward about 10-15 degrees, and the sound is solid, with attack with no Need for any dampening to kill Over ringing. And adds the Bonus of regulating Snare Buzz from the Rack Toms. Moreover, I am trying UV2 coated on the Toms vs. the existing G2s Coated. They add a small subtle sound enhancement to the sound of the TOMs at similar Tuning.

  22. #47

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    Throw in here... Buddy Rich on the Tonight show as a kid, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida wow how long was that! Ginger Baker, Sunshine of your Love, Toad (OMG!), Billy Cobham with Mahavishnu Orchestra and my drum teacher was sitting on the side of the stage at the end! My drum teacher Dick Wilshaw who endured my bad playing by calling me Meathead (days of Archie Bunker) periodically thwacking me on the head with a Regal tip 5A, Steve Gadd on Aja, wow, Neil Peart and Rush, then Art Blakely, Tony Williams, Elvin Jones, back to grooves with Lenny White and on and on. Since watching Buddy Rich go wild on TV I've been banging on pots, chairs, my sister at times (stop that!), practice pads beat to splinters, basement bands, company party/wedding bands, just playing by myself band, I just love the drums! It's something inside, the synchronicity like Stuart Copeland played to it just makes me want to play whenever I can.

  23. #48

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    Quote Originally Posted by wr_stix View Post
    Throw in here... Buddy Rich on the Tonight show as a kid, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida wow how long was that! Ginger Baker, Sunshine of your Love, Toad (OMG!), Billy Cobham with Mahavishnu Orchestra and my drum teacher was sitting on the side of the stage at the end! My drum teacher Dick Wilshaw who endured my bad playing by calling me Meathead (days of Archie Bunker) periodically thwacking me on the head with a Regal tip 5A, Steve Gadd on Aja, wow, Neil Peart and Rush, then Art Blakely, Tony Williams, Elvin Jones, back to grooves with Lenny White and on and on. Since watching Buddy Rich go wild on TV I've been banging on pots, chairs, my sister at times (stop that!), practice pads beat to splinters, basement bands, company party/wedding bands, just playing by myself band, I just love the drums! It's something inside, the synchronicity like Stuart Copeland played to it just makes me want to play whenever I can.
    Man, what a great testimony to the power and passion of drumming. Something we can all relate to for sure! Way to go man. Hope you're still playing, even if only in the "just playing by myself band".

  24. #49

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    in all honesty there isn't much that inspires me to play anymore. The ''just playing by myself band'' says a lot because that's about the only kind of band available these days. That or ''jam bands'' which seems popular nowadays.
    Red Dirt Mountain
    UFiP TAMAHA Zildjian
    AQUARIAN Vater

  25. #50

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    Quote Originally Posted by slinky View Post
    in all honesty there isn't much that inspires me to play anymore. The ''just playing by myself band'' says a lot because that's about the only kind of band available these days. That or ''jam bands'' which seems popular nowadays.
    I love learning new licks on the kit. That's what keeps me inspired, regardless of whether or not I'm playing out a lot.

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