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Thread: Recieiving Criticism

  1. #1

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    Default Recieiving Criticism

    We all get criticism from time to time, negative individuals are everywhere, and some poeple just adore knocking stuff! Had some myself from a random recently, who told me I was a cr*p drummer - no obvious reason, no justification, just that I was cr*p! Hurt at the time, but after a short period of applying some logic (I'm not cr*p, I have been playing for several years, depping in several styles, teaching and always have punterss jumping around when we gig!!), I have pretty easily dismissed it as just random negativity! Fortunately I get many more positive comments and support from family, friends and (importantly) audience members!!
    A good friend also pointed out that if you perform in anyway, be it live on stage, on social media, blogs, videos whatever, you open yourself up to criticism - from the mildest to the downright unreasonable!
    The point of this post was to ask if any of you guys have ever recieved negative remarks or random criticism, and what your reaction was? Do you think there is a culture of knocking peoples efforts? How do you you deal with it and move on? How do you sort the constructive cricitism from the fools who just like to be rude? Whats the worst thing said to you? Just out of interest really!!
    I guess I don't get the rudeness thing, I don't do it because I believe every musician is somewhere on their own journey, and deserves encouragement. Plus, its unwise to get critical, there will always be someone out there who is better than you!!
    (Just to clarify - I'm not looking for a "there there" cuddle, or having smoke blown up my *rse! I turn the negative nonsense into fuel, drives me on to get better and better )

  2. #2

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    Just keep one simple fact in mind. Many people act way different on line than they would in person.

    I've found when I have negative criticism it's usually justified. Not that I'm happy about it but once in a while you get that one that's over the top. Usually if you track them down you find they are nothing more than trolls and don't have anything to show for their existence on the internet.

    Laugh it off. Most people know trolls exist and it doesn't bother them.
    Signature here

  3. #3

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    The minute someone says you're a crap drummer, their opinion is immediately disqualified. They don't have the diplomacy or character to treat their fellow human being with dignity. That shows incredible immaturity and insecurity.

    I guess I don't get the rudeness thing, I don't do it because I believe every musician is somewhere on their own journey, and deserves encouragement.
    That's right!

  4. #4

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    In my not so humble opinion, there's critique and then there's insult and criticism.

    If someone were to say, you know, you could do X, then it might help your playing. To me, that's critique, which I find helpful.

    If someone says, you're horrible and you don't know what you're doing, that's an insult.

    People don't always know the difference. If you take the personal factor out, that's giving advice and trying to be helpful. When it starts getting personal, like drummer said, their opinion is immediately disqualified and doesn't matter.
    Stolen from EddieV:
    Boom, ching, boom boom ching, fuggadugga fuggadugga fuggadugga crash. Rinse, Repeat ad-nauseum.

    Quote Originally Posted by drummer View Post
    Come on Mark. You steal copy. Just look at your signature.
    Quote Originally Posted by Texdrumr View Post
    Nothing says 'tough' like a drummer with ducklings on his drums. Ha!

  5. #5

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    I never take generalized comments, good or bad, very seriously. If someone says, "good job drumming", I never know if they're just being courteous or what they really think. If they don't know me but approach me specifically to say "good job", then I'm pretty sure they mean it. If they give specific reasons or things they liked (or didn't), then I'm inclined to take it more seriously.

    "Too many crappy used drum stuff to list"

    Play the SONG......not the DRUMS!!!

    "I think that feeling is a lot more important than technique. It's all very well doing a triple paradiddle - but who's going to know you've done it? If you play technically you sound like everybody else. It's being original that counts." ~ John Bonham

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by N2Bluz View Post
    I never take generalized comments, good or bad, very seriously. If someone says, "good job drumming", I never know if they're just being courteous or what they really think. If they don't know me but approach me specifically to say "good job", then I'm pretty sure they mean it. If they give specific reasons or things they liked (or didn't), then I'm inclined to take it more seriously.
    +1. 2 memorable responses I got was after our set a guy came up to me and said he really enjoyed watching a drummer get into the music while playing and shook my hand and 5 minutes later another guy who happened to be the drummer for another band came up to me and said, you really have your own style and that was it.

    Believe it or not knowing the 2nd guy was a drummer made me think to myself, hmmmm is he telling me I suck? LOL I now laugh it off but I remember thinking that for weeks afterwards.

    Not sure how I would respond to someone saying I suck to my face, on the internet or you tube would not bother me at all because thats just a troll but someone in person would be a completely different story. I am pretty sure it would affect me more than I would ever admit.
    Ludwig Classic Maple 22x16,10x8,12x9,16x16
    7" Moon Gel Practice Pad
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    Decide whether this is love for the craft or simply an ego thing NOT MY BAND, JUST A GREAT LOCAL BAND WHO SHOULD BE SOOO MUCH BIGGER IMO

  7. #7

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    Everybody gets criticized. Not everyone has to like what I do. It's OK.

  8. #8

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    Ooooh, that burns me up to hear someone call someone else cr*p. THere's just no good reason for that. At all.

    Thankfully, I haven't had anything this severe yet.

    And also thankfully, I've had a few compliments. My favorites usually have nothing to do with ability. The things that make me feel great are comments like, "I wish I had your energy", "You sure look like you're having fun up there", "I love watching you play - you are IN the music."


  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by drummer View Post
    The minute someone says you're a crap drummer, their opinion is immediately disqualified. They don't have the diplomacy or character to treat their fellow human being with dignity. That shows incredible immaturity and insecurity.
    That was my take on it tbh, said more about them as a person than anything about me! Like I said, I didn't take it seriously, I was more like "wow, how rude!". Trolls exist, online and in the real world, but they aren't happy people. Me, I'm gigging tonight and can't wait!!

  10. #10

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    I've had my share of criticism spread out over a lot of years. My usual response was "and you were playing where tonight?" or " Did your gig finish up early because you have been here for the last 3 hours".

  11. #11

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    Positive comments shouldn't inflate your ego. Negative comments shouldn't dampen your dreams. Constructive criticism gives opportunity for improvement. Always consider the source.

  12. #12

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    Criticism to me is a good thing. Gives you an idea of how good you are. I always welcomed it whether good or bad. Learn from it as positive feed back.

  13. #13

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    Never take anything something someone says online seriously. Especially me.
    By the way, you spelled "receiving" wrong.
    Welcome to DC mauned!

  14. #14

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    Even if the person is an unreliable source, there was probably something they picked out just because. Just forget who it came from and put out all the crap behind it and take a look for yourself at whatever they may have said.

  15. #15

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    I'm at that point in life where I just don't care. I don't have anything to prove to anybody.

    Some people are better speakers than others but everyone should have the right to say what they gotta say. This is how I view music.

    all the best...

  16. #16

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    Dude thats good that you will use people's negativity to get better also that person who said that rubbish clearly is just a waste of your time who just tried to put you down .First drumming is not easy at all so i end up criticizing myself if i cant get a beat or if i dont practice my rudiments properly. When it comes to criticsm from others once its constructive i will take it for example Keish take your time dont rush. Thats fine however i will know if someone is being negative and i probably wouldnt take it well because drumming is about improving yourself and the negativity is totally unnecessary. Even when it comes to putting up posts on this chat there will be one or two unnecesary comments sometimes i will ignore but then sometimes I wouldnt and respond to it.

  17. #17

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    How do I react to negative criticism ? Well let me tell ya...
    I had a guy come up and tell me right to my face " suck !" I'm always in a good mood when I play because playing drums makes me feel good . So I smiled real big like and I put my arm around the guy and said " more specific . Tell me where I suck and help me get better !" He was startled be my response and kind-a stared at the ground for a minute , puzzled , then said "you're playing Yamaha should be playing DW ! Yamaha sucks !" And so it went from there , I bought him a drink and got to know him a little during the break . He hung out the rest of the night and at the end he helped me lug my kit out ! He's now a student of mine .
    I don't recall getting to much of this kind of criticism .

  18. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by mauned View Post
    We all get criticism from time to time, negative individuals are everywhere, and some poeple just adore knocking stuff! Had some myself from a random recently, who told me I was a cr*p drummer - no obvious reason, no justification, just that I was cr*p! Hurt at the time, but after a short period of applying some logic (I'm not cr*p, I have been playing for several years, depping in several styles, teaching and always have punterss jumping around when we gig!!), I have pretty easily dismissed it as just random negativity! Fortunately I get many more positive comments and support from family, friends and (importantly) audience members!!
    A good friend also pointed out that if you perform in anyway, be it live on stage, on social media, blogs, videos whatever, you open yourself up to criticism - from the mildest to the downright unreasonable!
    The point of this post was to ask if any of you guys have ever recieved negative remarks or random criticism, and what your reaction was? Do you think there is a culture of knocking peoples efforts? How do you you deal with it and move on? How do you sort the constructive cricitism from the fools who just like to be rude? Whats the worst thing said to you? Just out of interest really!!
    I guess I don't get the rudeness thing, I don't do it because I believe every musician is somewhere on their own journey, and deserves encouragement. Plus, its unwise to get critical, there will always be someone out there who is better than you!!
    (Just to clarify - I'm not looking for a "there there" cuddle, or having smoke blown up my *rse! I turn the negative nonsense into fuel, drives me on to get better and better )
    I made a comment on a Youtube site about a snare drum video of maybe they should have used a better drummer if they want to sell their drums.

    I got a reply from another viewer chastising me for being critical of the playing.

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  19. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by pgm554 View Post
    I made a comment on a Youtube site about a snare drum video of maybe they should have used a better drummer if they want to sell their drums.

    I got a reply from another viewer chastising me for being critical of the playing.

    Here's the vid:

    [commercial link removed - see forum rules, Tom]
    The guy's not a technical player, for sure, but did you check out his web site and the number of famous drummers he's made drums for? Personally, I don't see much to recommend in his building principles, but somebody must like them. Reminds me of my store's guitar tech. He was very well known in our area for his ability to build and set up guitars for pro players, but he could not play a note. Didn't have any interest in guitars at all.

    Back to the subject of the thread, though. I've always been hyper-sensitive to criticism, and had a hard time shaking it off. It took me years to learn to live with the fact that not everybody would love somebody like me. Even as old as I am, I still do not dismiss criticism without thinking a long time about whether it was justified. If the criticism is true, then I do my best to rectify the problem. If not, I've hardened up enough to shrug my shoulders and ignore it. My beloved wife is a "Stuff IT, Buster!" kind of person. Between the two of us, we usually end up getting it right!


  20. #20

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    Any time you do something for someone else, you're going to hear that person's opinion if they're able to give it. Displays of your drumming skill, it's one of those times. You'll hear good, and bad, respectful and disrespectful - trick is not to care and remember that it's an exercise in humility. Try not to be offended by what you hear, but instead - listen and learn from it, because they're essentially telling you what your strengths and weaknesses are. Essentially if you look past the way they sound to you, they're telling you how to be a better drummer(if it's constructive criticism). And that's a very valuable service they're performing. Use the situation to your advantage.
    Last edited by Russ; 08-28-2015 at 10:45 PM.
    Snares: 4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pearl MCX Man View Post
    I wish I was your wife
    Quote Originally Posted by amdrummer View Post
    if double bass is cheating then so is using two sticks

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  21. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by drummer View Post
    The minute someone says you're a crap drummer, their opinion is immediately disqualified. They don't have the diplomacy or character to treat their fellow human being with dignity. That shows incredible immaturity and insecurity.

    +1 Well said.
    Gretsch USA & Zildjian
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  22. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by mauned View Post
    We all get criticism from time to time, negative individuals are everywhere, and some poeple just adore knocking stuff! Had some myself from a random recently, who told me I was a cr*p drummer - no obvious reason, no justification, just that I was cr*p! Hurt at the time, but after a short period of applying some logic (I'm not cr*p, I have been playing for several years, depping in several styles, teaching and always have punterss jumping around when we gig!!), I have pretty easily dismissed it as just random negativity! Fortunately I get many more positive comments and support from family, friends and (importantly) audience members!!
    A good friend also pointed out that if you perform in anyway, be it live on stage, on social media, blogs, videos whatever, you open yourself up to criticism - from the mildest to the downright unreasonable!
    The point of this post was to ask if any of you guys have ever recieved negative remarks or random criticism, and what your reaction was? Do you think there is a culture of knocking peoples efforts? How do you you deal with it and move on? How do you sort the constructive cricitism from the fools who just like to be rude? Whats the worst thing said to you? Just out of interest really!!
    I guess I don't get the rudeness thing, I don't do it because I believe every musician is somewhere on their own journey, and deserves encouragement. Plus, its unwise to get critical, there will always be someone out there who is better than you!!
    (Just to clarify - I'm not looking for a "there there" cuddle, or having smoke blown up my *rse! I turn the negative nonsense into fuel, drives me on to get better and better )
    When someone says that sort of thing without any constructive critique behind it then they are lashing out. Usually due to their own insecurities. If the person who made the comment was a fantastic musician, secure in their own abilities then they wouldn't need to make critique in that sort of way. But it sounds like they have a niggling doubt about their own life and so have to boost their own ego by denigrating other people.

    Don't let it get to you. I always end up feeling sorry for those sorts of people.

  23. #23

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    What other people think of me is none of my business.

  24. #24

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    id wager that anyone who calls any other musician crap doesn't actually play the instrument.
    Too Much Stuff.

  25. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by SpatzST View Post
    id wager that anyone who calls any other musician crap doesn't actually play the instrument.
    There's truth in this statement. I've personally thought that about a few guitar players, but honestly never thought that about another drummer. I always seem to find positive aspects of every drummers playing. I guess that's because it's what I play and can relate to.

    "Too many crappy used drum stuff to list"

    Play the SONG......not the DRUMS!!!

    "I think that feeling is a lot more important than technique. It's all very well doing a triple paradiddle - but who's going to know you've done it? If you play technically you sound like everybody else. It's being original that counts." ~ John Bonham

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