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Thread: The NYE Gig

  1. #1

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    Default The NYE Gig

    My band played a private "country club" function for may remember we were "bribed".

    We met for load-in at noon..................our preferred soundman runs solo and our agreement is that the 5 band-members will help him set up and tear down for a reduced fee.................he needs this help because he runs a LARGE system that completely fills a 25-foot trailer.................we complete our sound-check by 4PM.

    Go home.................nap, shower, and back to the venue at music from 9pm until 1AM..................break down and load all the gear and get home at, hard work for an old guy.................after only three hours of sleep, wake up at 7:30AM and feel awful.

    For the last four days, I've been at home on the couch with the flu...................bad cough, fever, chills, sweat, headache.................good stuff.
    Today is the first day without glad I got that gig in first.
    Gretsch USA & Zildjian
    (What Else Would I Ever Need ?)

  2. #2

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    Default Re: The NYE Gig

    oh those were the days!!

    I miss playing so much right now.... but I don't miss those crazy long days/nights
    Last edited by SpazApproved; 01-05-2018 at 02:25 PM.

  3. #3

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    I used to work doing live audio for a little while, and one of my first gigs was close to 20 hours! Started at 6AM one morning, set up, had a day long event, finished up and was packed and leaving by nearly 2AM the following morning. Also had an hour-and-45-minutes drive there and back from my home, so it was quite a full day.

    Woke up the next day feeling like I'd been hit by a truck and it took me out for a few days, feeling similar to what you describe here. Hard work and sleep deprivation, especially at irregular hours, definitely comes with its own set of downsides! I hope the gig went well though Ricardo, it's all worth it for the love of the gig rest up mate!

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by SpazApproved View Post
    oh those were the days!!
    I miss playing so much right now.... but I don't miss those crazy long days/nights
    This was a good one Spaz..................big crowd with big money.................beef tender and lobster tail for bar all night.
    Our sound system was overkill for the room we played but it was SO RICH and MAJESTIC...............just beautiful.
    The most awesome part all night was my old bass drum through the side-fill

    Quote Originally Posted by SonorWhacker View Post
    Hard work and sleep deprivation, especially at irregular hours, definitely comes with its own set of downsides! I hope the gig went well though Ricardo, it's all worth it for the love of the gig rest up mate!
    It's always worth it when it goes that well.
    The unanticipated component was waking up with the flu.
    I'm just glad we got the gig finished before that nasty stuff invaded us !
    Gretsch USA & Zildjian
    (What Else Would I Ever Need ?)

  5. #5

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    I feel ya bro. I've been fighting flu and kidney stones for the past two and a half weeks.
    Six Piece Mapex Saturn V, Five Piece DW Performance Series, NOS Slingerland Snares, Centent Ardor and Emperor Cymbals

  6. #6

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    We played 9:30pm to 1:30am New Years Eve, then go home and sleep, get up and played again from 2pm to 6pm on New Years Day. The worst part was the -17F temp on New Years Eve. I was pretty much dead weight at work on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday, I started to get sick. Turns out everyone in our band got the Flu this week, LOL.

    I guess that's understandable. Physical and mental exhaustion combined with cold weather, alcohol and a crowded room of people all sharing a bathroom, LOL.

    "Too many crappy used drum stuff to list"

    Play the SONG......not the DRUMS!!!

    "I think that feeling is a lot more important than technique. It's all very well doing a triple paradiddle - but who's going to know you've done it? If you play technically you sound like everybody else. It's being original that counts." ~ John Bonham

  7. #7

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    Default Re: The NYE Gig

    Quote Originally Posted by SpazApproved View Post
    oh those were the days!!

    I miss playing so much right now.... but I don't miss those crazy long days/nights
    "oh those were the days!!"

    Those were the days, for you, were last week. When you can say that your 1st band was 56 years ago, then you can say "oh those were the days!!". Right now, a long time ago, for you, was December. LOL/ JK I think, might not be, you never know.

  8. #8

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    hope everybodys feeling better...

    the crud is going around. wash your hands alot.

    i had a flu shot this year and although i did come down with something a couple weeks ago it did suppress the symptoms considerably
    Red Dirt Mountain
    UFiP TAMAHA Zildjian
    AQUARIAN Vater


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