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Thread: Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

  1. #1

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    Default Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

    Hey there. Did a quick little shootout of my snares. Hope y’all enjoy!

  2. #2

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    Default Re: Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

    Nice man, All the luddies sounded fantastic, especially the BB and the Blackolite and supra with the 77 head. What did you use to record and what software did you use to make the video. Would love to try this myself.
    Ludwig Classic Maple 22x16,10x8,12x9,16x16
    7" Moon Gel Practice Pad
    Sabian HHX Legacy

    Decide whether this is love for the craft or simply an ego thing NOT MY BAND, JUST A GREAT LOCAL BAND WHO SHOULD BE SOOO MUCH BIGGER IMO

  3. #3

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    Default Re: Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

    That's awesome! Out of curiosity, which one is your favorite?

  4. #4

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    Default Re: Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

    Did that turn out how you planned it? What is your opinion of each snare?

    Thanks for taking the time to record, edit and post the finished product.
    Signature here

  5. #5

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    Default Re: Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

    I’m sure they all can sound good with adjustments to the tuning. To my ears, the Blackrolite sounded really snap. The Rocker was phat!
    Last edited by Olimpass; 07-27-2020 at 06:48 PM.

  6. #6

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    Default Re: Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

    hey there. thanks a lot. all of the what I used is in the video description. can't remember everything. I think an sm57 on snare, telefunken kick mic on the kick, and an aka c414 for a mono overhead. ran everything thru the Midas m32 into protools. just a hint of ssl compression on the master just to make things a little louder. and thats it! I think!

  7. #7

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    Default Re: Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

    thanks so much. the supra with the p77 might have been my favorite. but it changes all the time depending on lots of things. I also that particular supra has a black suede ebony snare side head so it dries it up a tad. but its a crispy dryness that I like!!

  8. #8

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    Default Re: Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

    yea. it turned out well. my opinion of every snare??? we might be here all day if I start explaining that!! lol its easier to say than to type!!

  9. #9

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    Default Re: Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bish View Post
    Did that turn out how you planned it? What is your opinion of each snare?

    Thanks for taking the time to record, edit and post the finished product.
    yea. the rocker is very nice. especially at a slightly higher tuning. the firchie also likes to be tuned kinda high. I wish I had more time to really dig into the tunings of a couple of those drums. but I had to be at another session. I did what I could in the little time that I had!!

  10. #10

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    Default Re: Snare drum shootout! Ludwig dw Tama Pearl slingerland Rogers firchie and more.

    I just saw the "reply with quote". I hope y'all know who I was responding to!! apologies for that!!

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