Seriously? Really selling?
All the drums you'll ever need for any occasion.
$7400.00 plus $750.00 shipping
Signature here
Seriously? Really selling?
Mapex Sabian Ludwig Saluda Assorted Snare Drums
Already sold the 18" bass drum. Price is now 6800.00.
Signature here
How long did it take to build that set?
Mapex Sabian Ludwig Saluda Assorted Snare Drums
A day. I bought it all at once from a dealer out of Canada. Original owner bought it all and never played it. Put it on consignment and being a Yammy fan, I couldn't resist.
Signature here
Beautiful looking drums!
Guys, I know this is almost a year old so try not to beat me up too badly. At least no kicks to the head, anyway. But Bish, did you ever sell these AHM's?
Last edited by Whitey; 05-27-2024 at 08:22 AM.