Yeah, I had it happen with an old Yamaha snare I owned. I think it's just the nature of a substandard lug. I kept replacing them and they kept breaking. Might want to either replace with a different style of lug or just buy another snare.
I can't figure out why I am breaking snare drum lugs. I've never had this problem with any other snare drum. It is a TimeTech 13 x 7 maple snare. The lugs are a "popcorn" style lug that was used a lot in the 90's. The weird part is where the lug is breaking. The sleeve that goes through the shell....both sleeves are breaking off the lug. I wanted to post a pic here but I guess I need a URL but only have the pic's on my computer. I haven't paid attention to if it's the same spot breaking all the time but it is near the bottom where I strike. Has anyone else ever had a problem like this? I've probably broken 10 to 15 lugs! over close to 20 years on this drum.
Yeah, I had it happen with an old Yamaha snare I owned. I think it's just the nature of a substandard lug. I kept replacing them and they kept breaking. Might want to either replace with a different style of lug or just buy another snare.
Thanks for replying....were your lugs breaking in the same spot?....the problem with these lugs are the hole spacing is only 20mm apart and I can only find a couple different lugs like that.....such a shame because I love the snare's sound.
I've had lugs break before. The first time was back in the early 90's I was using this big CB700 snare lol, I had a better snare but at the time I was playing in this weird band and was looking for a new sound. It worked and actually recorded with it. Had a clear black dot on top. The cheap pot metal lugs on it broke multiple times.
Other ones that I've had break were the Tama bowtie lugs, they would break right in the center and the other ones they used on the Granstar snares. They would crack on top where the tension rod goes in and eventually break. I still have one of the Granstar snares, but my main snares now are a Pearl brass free floater, and Yamaha copper
good to see new content, welcome to the board.
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Red Dirt Mountain
UFiP TAMAHA Zildjian
I have only broken one lug ever and that was pretty recent. I bought a Gretsch Renegade 5 piece kit on Facebook Marketplace for $150 to use for rehearsals. I leave them where we are rehearsing and it alleviates my need to cart an entire kit around every week. At 62 I just don't want to have to do so much lugging around. Anyway, the first thing I noticed when I went to pick them up was the snare was not Gretsch but Gannon. It looked to be in pretty rough shape. But I wasn't really buying it for the snare so I decided to not make a fuss and picked them up. I set them up and started to tune the snare. I hadn't turned the tension rod more than a few turns and "pop". I look at the drum and the lug simply snapped in half. So much for that piece of garbage. I thought about just tossing it but now as I type this I'm thinking of trying to find a lug to replace it with and make the drum usable. But I'm also thinking that if one broke, more will likely break and it will become a project. And a Gannon drum isn't really a drum but is essentially a toy. Child's toy. I anyone has any thoughts on what to do with it, other than tossing it in the garbage, I'm all ears.
*1975 Slingerland Stage Band, Poplar/Mahogany, White Marine Pearl (20,12,13,14,16)
*1999/2000 Yamaha Stage Custom, Mahogany/Birch/Falkata, Sapphire Blue (22, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16)
*Pearl Sensitone 5.5” snare
*Pearl Masters Maple Complete 6.5” snare
*Pearl Piccolo snare 13"x3"
*DW 5000 BD Pedal
"Absurdity is the only reality...." FZ
If you love that snare and refuse to do without it, send it to Precision Drum in NY.
They do highly professional work and will be able to provide a solution.
Gretsch USA & Zildjian(What Else Would I Ever Need ?)