Can't beat the $20.00 price tag. Looks like a fun little kit. Have fun!!
Here’s my newest find for $20.
I’ve cleaned it up nice, put new batter heads and a bass drum riser on the bass drum. I need to put a small roll pin in the second tom arm yet. Came with kids throne and pedals but will use adult sized. Hammered up the hi-hat cymbal top to make a China style cymbal. Fun project.
Last edited by Olimpass; 07-07-2024 at 09:04 PM.
Can't beat the $20.00 price tag. Looks like a fun little kit. Have fun!!
Thanks thunderstruck.
Last edited by Olimpass; 07-22-2024 at 08:52 AM.
Just seeing this. $20??!!! ... Wow!! I love finding kits like that and messin' with them. And easy to flip!
It is fun. I ordered some hardware just for this kit because I plan on playing with it first.
I needed longer bass drum spurs because of the riser. The hi-hat, bass drum pedal and throne were too small for me. I have an old Tama throne that’s missing its memory lock style throne height adjustment. I’m going to just drill holes through the tube and use a bolt, washer and wing nut. Cheap cymbals and cymbal stands next. I have those around for picking.
I ended up using a socket head cap screw through the hoop and riser with washers, lock washer and nut. The clamps on the riser to attach to the hoop were broken off. (from my breakbeats kit after letting someone use it…grrr) Happy now I’ve utilized it for a second life.
Last edited by Olimpass; 07-22-2024 at 04:29 PM.
With new spurs and pedal
You've got me wanting to do this now. I think I'll go on a cheap drumset search.
Set up finished.
Last edited by Olimpass; 08-20-2024 at 02:22 PM.