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Thread: Well it's Been a while but I'm back Baby :)

  1. #1

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    Default Well it's Been a while but I'm back Baby :)

    Hello ladies and gentlemen
    it's been sometime but I have finally taken the dive back behind the kit and let's say I've done it in a big way
    Got a hold of a Sonor SQ2 in black in 13 , 16 , 18 , 24 sizes
    just resikking in my fav Ambo CS combo and I must say these things sing
    big beats and giant beats on the way .. more updates next week
    this time back I'm so motivated been on the pad 2 hours a day so good 20241128_155722.jpg
    MY KIT
    13, hanging toms,16 ,18 floor toms,24 Kick, 14x6.5 snare,
    Paiste 2002 ,22 big beat , 20 big beat , 24 giant beat , 15 giant beat hat top with 1979 2002 sound edge bottoms

  2. #2

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    Default Re: Well it's Been a while but I'm back Baby :)

    Welcome back! Congrats on the new drums man! They look great!

  3. #3

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    Default Re: Well it's Been a while but I'm back Baby :)

    I have those same sizes in Gretsch USA (well almost....mine are 13-15-18-24).
    The big difference is that I ordered mine in 1977.
    You will grow to love these sizes.....the only downside is the stage footprint.
    Gretsch USA & Zildjian
    (What Else Would I Ever Need ?)

  4. #4

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    Default Re: Well it's Been a while but I'm back Baby :)

    That is a nice drum set. May it give you years of musical joy. Peace and goodwill.
    Mark Wellman - drummer for Jesus; Pearl Modern Utility snare, Mapex Black Panther Venom snare, Mapex MPX snare, Mapex Saturn bass drum and toms / Sabian AAX/ Evans / Pro Mark

    Church Drummer's Army

  5. #5

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    Default Re: Well it's Been a while but I'm back Baby :)

    Set looks good. Always wanted to try one of those Phil Rudd sets they came out with a few years ago.

    I use the same sizes as yours also. Yamaha kick and Tama toms with a Pearl brass ff … kaboom!

    Welcome back
    Red Dirt Mountain
    UFiP TAMAHA Zildjian
    AQUARIAN Vater

  6. #6

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    Default Re: Well it's Been a while but I'm back Baby :)

    when you need some bigger toms
    Hahaha sounded cool
    MY KIT
    13, hanging toms,16 ,18 floor toms,24 Kick, 14x6.5 snare,
    Paiste 2002 ,22 big beat , 20 big beat , 24 giant beat , 15 giant beat hat top with 1979 2002 sound edge bottoms

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