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Thread: Happy with Drum Chat

  1. #1

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    Default Happy with Drum Chat

    I’m happy for the fact that Drum Chat is still around and that all the content from the beginning is still available. A lot of online message boards have closed down completely or automatically purge their boards.

    I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff here from way before I came aboard. Lots of good advice and information over the years
    Red Dirt Mountain
    UFiP TAMAHA Zildjian
    AQUARIAN Vater

  2. #2

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    Default Re: Happy with Drum Chat

    I agree with you. Drum Chat is a constant source of great information.

  3. #3

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    Default Re: Happy with Drum Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by slinky View Post
    I’m happy for the fact that Drum Chat is still around and that all the content from the beginning is still available. A lot of online message boards have closed down completely or automatically purge their boards.

    I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff here from way before I came aboard. Lots of good advice and information over the years
    It's nice of you to say that. Since the domination of Facebook groups, regular forums are noticeably less active. But private forums have many advantages. We appreciate those of you that continue to post and contribute. Indeed, Drum Chat is rich with information and resources.

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