My dad once said that double bass was gimmicky and i have never agreed with that, we are obviously very different drummers where he prefers using the left foot purely for hi-hat control. I think both are great but i must say that double bass has developed awesome styles and techniques to now be seen as having as many dimensions as all the other pieces on the kit -countless. My taste in drums revolves greatly around dynamics, my taste in prog obviously indicates this as well and i have been going with double bass for about two years now, in this time i began looking at how other drummers use theirs, some preferring control, lesser speed and likewise - as well as making use of both speed and control. what became clear to me in playing double bass is that playing heel down seems to render more control and heel up renders more speed. Now i was a heel down guy until about a year ago where i saw that you can achieve incredible speed and consistency with your heels up, the thing is, i have trouble with my balance, on some days i can achieve great speed but my control is lacking because i'm not used to having less balance with my body resting on my toes. There is a newish band called trivium, their significance regarding drumming is exactly this, there drummer goes for very long periods with extremely fast consistent double bass and it remains tight, if you guys can give me with some advice to improve this i would be very thankful chow!