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Thread: Sonor Drums Discussion

  1. #1

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    Default Sonor Drums Discussion

    Hope they make this into a "sticky" too!

    Okay Sonor Geeks... Show us your drums!!!

    Here's some shots of my two First Generation Sonor S-Class drum kits.

    This is the Ash set (my working set):

    (To Be Continued)



    Cool Drum Accessories
    Encouragement = Fertilizer for the seed of desire
    & the flower of accomplishment.

    Sonor S-Class -Ash

    22 Bass, 8, 10, 12, 14 Rack, 16 Floor
    14X5 D454 Chrome Snare
    21 Zildjian Ride, 21 Zilco Crash Ride, 15 Sabian AAX Dark Crash
    14 Sabian XS20 Medium Crash, 13 Sabian El Sabor Splash, 13 Zildjian A Custom Hats
    10 Paiste Twenty Splash, 10 Zildjian A Splash, 6 Zildjian Zilbel
    Tama Iron Cobra 2X Pedal & Hatstand, Pearl Icon Rack

  2. #2

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    Default Re: Sonor Drum Discussion

    Previous Post, Continued!

    And here's the Maple set I let my sons play on...

    Encouragement = Fertilizer for the seed of desire
    & the flower of accomplishment.

    Sonor S-Class -Ash

    22 Bass, 8, 10, 12, 14 Rack, 16 Floor
    14X5 D454 Chrome Snare
    21 Zildjian Ride, 21 Zilco Crash Ride, 15 Sabian AAX Dark Crash
    14 Sabian XS20 Medium Crash, 13 Sabian El Sabor Splash, 13 Zildjian A Custom Hats
    10 Paiste Twenty Splash, 10 Zildjian A Splash, 6 Zildjian Zilbel
    Tama Iron Cobra 2X Pedal & Hatstand, Pearl Icon Rack

  3. #3

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    Default Re: Sonor Drum Discussion

    Those are awesome stix.

    Thanks for posting.
    Signature here

  4. #4

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    Default Re: Sonor Drum Discussion

    Magnificent!!! Beautiful kits Stix. Looks like a vintage kit in the background????

    "A man can NEVER have too many cymbals"

    Proudly Playing

    Sonor Force 3007 Stage One Piano Black 22X17.5 kick, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 16" toms
    Pork Pie Big Black Snare
    Vater Sticks/Brushes
    Remo Vintage Emperor, Emperor X, and Powerstroke Pro Heads
    Paiste Twenty/2002/Signature Cymbals
    Sonor/DW/Gibraltar Hardware

  5. #5

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    Default Re: Sonor Drum Discussion

    Good eyes, Sonorkid!

    It is actually a very old Royce drumset (circa 1968) that was originally a gold sparkle which I did a "custom refinish" job on when I was about 15 years old. Can of white laquer spray paint and can of flat black spray paint - took off the bottom heads (they were called "concert" toms back in the day!) and rocked out! I'm actually giving that set away to a very young wannabe drummer (I believe he is 5 or 6) who is the son of a friend of my wife's who's dad will take a little time and fix it up with some new heads and maybe some wrap/finish work. It leaves my house tomorrow night for a new and excited owner!

    Encouragement = Fertilizer for the seed of desire
    & the flower of accomplishment.

    Sonor S-Class -Ash

    22 Bass, 8, 10, 12, 14 Rack, 16 Floor
    14X5 D454 Chrome Snare
    21 Zildjian Ride, 21 Zilco Crash Ride, 15 Sabian AAX Dark Crash
    14 Sabian XS20 Medium Crash, 13 Sabian El Sabor Splash, 13 Zildjian A Custom Hats
    10 Paiste Twenty Splash, 10 Zildjian A Splash, 6 Zildjian Zilbel
    Tama Iron Cobra 2X Pedal & Hatstand, Pearl Icon Rack

  6. #6

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    Default Re: Sonor Drum Discussion

    nice kits!

  7. #7

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    Default Re: Sonor Drum Discussion

    Last edited by JakG; 01-03-2009 at 06:08 AM.
    Mapex Saturn Supernova red xD
    Sabian XS20's (Crash, Ride, Hhats, Splash, China)
    Sabian AAX O-Zone crash
    Pearl Marc Quinones Timbale snare.
    Tama Metal Works snare. 6.5 x 14.
    LP Block
    Pearl Cowbell
    Roto toms
    Bigdog and Mapex hardware

  8. #8

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    Default Re: Sonor Drum Discussion

    My 3007 Maple Kit.

    I also own a Gretsch Catalina Birch 6 piece in Red Cherry Lacquer (best looking kit I own) and a 1981 Slingerland 7 piece kit in white. They all are great drums and have their own special features. All of them sound great but the Maple Sonors are the best for the mellow maple sound so many are looking for. If you are looking for a high end intermediate kit look no further than the Force 3007’s. They blow many of the top end kits away. In fact I have played several DW kits that have nothing over my 3007’s other than price.
    Now playing Gretsch and Slingerland Drums

  9. #9

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    I'm lovin' the natural finish on that kit! That kit looks great today, 25 years ago and 25 years from now. Timeless!
    DW Performance(white marine): 8x7/10x8/12x9/16x14/22x18
    Mapex Saturn III(transparent walnut): 10x8/12x9/16x16/22x18/14x5.5

    Pork Pie 14x7 Cherry/Bubinga
    Pork Pie 14x6.5 Big Black Bob
    Mapex Saturn 14x5.5 Maple/Walnut
    Homemade 14x5.5 Maple(10 ply Keller)

    14" AA regular hats
    10" AAX splash
    16" AAX Xplosion fast crash
    18" AAX Xplosion fash crash
    16" HH thin crash
    20" HHX stage ride

  10. #10

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    A new photo of my Sonor Force 3005 kit:

  11. #11

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    I have a few "not so good" pics in my album. I'm going to try to get some better ones up soon. I absolutely LOVE my 3007's. I have the stage 1 set up, and I'm working on adding 4 additional rack toms in the near future. For the price you can't beat them.

    "A man can NEVER have too many cymbals"

    Proudly Playing

    Sonor Force 3007 Stage One Piano Black 22X17.5 kick, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 16" toms
    Pork Pie Big Black Snare
    Vater Sticks/Brushes
    Remo Vintage Emperor, Emperor X, and Powerstroke Pro Heads
    Paiste Twenty/2002/Signature Cymbals
    Sonor/DW/Gibraltar Hardware

  12. #12

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    Yeah, "they" made it into a "sticky"! Coooooool!

    @ Rritter: That Natural Maple kit is totally AWESOME - Love that finish!!

    @ Darklegend: Saweet set... What sizes are you running? 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and an 18? Like the dual snares - I do the same. Couple of quick questions, why the moongels on all the smaller toms and what kind of heads are you using, Remo Ambassadors?

    Last edited by Stix518; 01-04-2009 at 10:53 AM.
    Encouragement = Fertilizer for the seed of desire
    & the flower of accomplishment.

    Sonor S-Class -Ash

    22 Bass, 8, 10, 12, 14 Rack, 16 Floor
    14X5 D454 Chrome Snare
    21 Zildjian Ride, 21 Zilco Crash Ride, 15 Sabian AAX Dark Crash
    14 Sabian XS20 Medium Crash, 13 Sabian El Sabor Splash, 13 Zildjian A Custom Hats
    10 Paiste Twenty Splash, 10 Zildjian A Splash, 6 Zildjian Zilbel
    Tama Iron Cobra 2X Pedal & Hatstand, Pearl Icon Rack

  13. #13

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by mkennedy View Post
    I'm lovin' the natural finish on that kit! That kit looks great today, 25 years ago and 25 years from now. Timeless!
    And a picture doesn’t do them justice. They look fantastic under stage lighting. Thanks for the nice comment.
    Now playing Gretsch and Slingerland Drums

  14. #14

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    This doesn't have much to do with the drums literally but how do you pronounce sonor?
    I always hear it pronounced the way it is spelled, but that seems to be the English way. I saw a video once that they made to show there warehouse and they pronounced it "Sunor"

  15. #15

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    Here are My Sonor Drums 3007 series 8" 10" 12" 14 floor 20" kick in Midnight fade.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  16. #16

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    You can get a better view of all my drums if you go to my pictures on my profile

  17. #17

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy View Post
    You can get a better view of all my drums if you go to my pictures on my profile

    Your site loads very slow and I don’t see your profile at all. In fact it pretty much locks up things. Maybe its time to look at a dedicated server and web page? Had I been on dial up it likely would not have loaded at all. Maybe just a bad time of day to log on? I would like to see your drums though.
    Now playing Gretsch and Slingerland Drums

  18. #18

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    just click on my profile Big Daddy not the band site and I have albums here on this site

  19. #19

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    Looks good BD. I came really close to going with the Midnite fade when I bought mine. Opted for the Piano black instead. Good looking kit you have there.

    "A man can NEVER have too many cymbals"

    Proudly Playing

    Sonor Force 3007 Stage One Piano Black 22X17.5 kick, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 16" toms
    Pork Pie Big Black Snare
    Vater Sticks/Brushes
    Remo Vintage Emperor, Emperor X, and Powerstroke Pro Heads
    Paiste Twenty/2002/Signature Cymbals
    Sonor/DW/Gibraltar Hardware

  20. #20

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    yep, force 3005/3007 (maple) and 2005/2007 (birch) kits sound great and are built like tanks. a good value. high end designer/sq kits are simply value there. them suckers are flat expensive.

  21. #21

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    Default Re: Sonor Drum Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by rritter View Post
    My 3007 Maple Kit.

    I also own a Gretsch Catalina Birch 6 piece in Red Cherry Lacquer (best looking kit I own) and a 1981 Slingerland 7 piece kit in white. They all are great drums and have their own special features. All of them sound great but the Maple Sonors are the best for the mellow maple sound so many are looking for. If you are looking for a high end intermediate kit look no further than the Force 3007’s. They blow many of the top end kits away. In fact I have played several DW kits that have nothing over my 3007’s other than price.
    lovely kit!!!

  22. #22

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    thanks Kid your black kit looks good as well

  23. #23

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    Cool Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    Women Love Jewelry....We Are Each So Proud Of Our Own "jewels".....Great Lookin Kits; Love Dat Ash Kit And Natural Wood Is A Beauty That Is Timeless....I Agree....Now If I Could Only Blow Out A Wall To Get A Good Pic Of My 3/23/1972 Ludwig 3 Ply "Dirty Lil Chrome Babies" I 'd Be A Happy Camper Myself....THXS FOR SHARIN YER PICS





  24. #24

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    Here's my SONOR kit. Really do like these drums and they aren't that expensive.

    Signature here

  25. #25

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    Default Re: Sonor Drums Discussion

    Another beautiful finish. Great looking set up Bish. Odd,,,,but I have two stock BD heads against a wall as well. Those Aquarians bring that drum alive don't they. Fantastic drums, and in my humble opinion, largely overlooked and highly under rated.

    "A man can NEVER have too many cymbals"

    Proudly Playing

    Sonor Force 3007 Stage One Piano Black 22X17.5 kick, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 16" toms
    Pork Pie Big Black Snare
    Vater Sticks/Brushes
    Remo Vintage Emperor, Emperor X, and Powerstroke Pro Heads
    Paiste Twenty/2002/Signature Cymbals
    Sonor/DW/Gibraltar Hardware

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